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The successful shaping of an organization’s DevOps culture depends on a few key factors: leadership, technology, and investment in quality training resources. With Red Hat’s immersive DevOps curriculum—featuring courses on open practices to culture enablement—these critical concepts can help catalyze widespread transformation within your organization. 

Why DevOps training matters

Given context clues, it might be easy to conclude that DevOps is a combination of development and operations workstreams. When we take a closer look, DevOps begins to take shape as a series of ideas and practices, ways of working, and approaches to product development that provide value to both the customer and the IT organization. 

Viewing development through the DevOps lens requires communication, teamwork, and shared ownership. This sort of culture shift can pose a challenge to small and large teams alike: how does an organization get buy-in and alignment from all of its staff? 

One critical component of enabling transformational change is training. A recent study completed by International Data Corporation (IDC) found that trained DevOps teams are 44% more productive, and IT infrastructure teams are 34% more efficient than those without training.1

To truly enable a transformational change and adopt new technologies, the culture and processes of the organization must change and adapt to modern DevOps capabilities. 

Learn DevOps tools and best practices with Red Hat

Our courses show how tools like Git, Jenkins, and Kubernetes can be used with Red Hat technology to make DevOps work for you and your team. With these tools and practices, your organization can close skill gaps to help find success from early stages of development all the way through to production.

The curriculum is designed to teach the practical skills needed for a company to adopt and implement DevOps practices by transforming people, processes, and technology. Each course focuses on providing depth in specific areas: 

  • Open Practices for your DevOps Journey (DO250) focuses on process best practices that enable the Mobius loop of discovery, delivery and option pivots. This conceptual foundation provides a practical toolkit to facilitate better meetings and projects with a team to make incremental changes and plant the seed for future DevOps transformation. 

  • DevOps Culture and Practice Enablement (DO500) provides an immersive experience to give DevOps professionals the mindset for solving problems in a new way and set the bar for using DevOps practices in their teams. The course blends continuous discovery and continuous delivery together with cultural and technical practices into a unique, highly engaging experience, packed with real-world applications.

  • Red Hat DevOps Pipelines and Processes: CI/CD with Jenkins, Git, and Test Driven Development (TDD) (DO400) covers the technology, tooling, and how to leverage them to develop and deploy cloud-native applications. In this course practitioners learn to simplify and more efficiently integrate code, build efficiently with TDD, and use automated pipelines to simplify testing.

devops training This combination of optimized processes, modernized technologies, and an effective cultural change can help drive DevOps to take root in any organization. These courses can be taken in any order and combination based on the organization’s preferences and the responsibilities of the individual. 

There’s always more to learn. If you’re ready to take another step in your transformation journey, check out our residency offered by the Red Hat Open Innovation Labs team. This unique experience is tailored to your organization’s objectives and challenges, and staffed with experienced experts on both Red Hat products and consulting. 

Interested in kicking off your DevOps transformation journey? Contact our training team today to learn more. 


Pete Hnath, Senior Director of Curriculum Development, is responsible for customer training and digital delivery platforms across Red Hat’s entire product portfolio. Hnath led the launch of the Red Hat Hat Learning Subscription (RHLS) that includes courses, cloud based labs, video classroom and expert seminars.

He is passionate about applying DevOps and SRE concepts into the curriculum development processes, demonstrated by Early Access, a feature in RHLS in which the team publishes chapter-level minimum viable products at each sprint boundary using continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) tools. Hnath’s team also follows a “single stream” development process leading to simultaneous publishing of classroom, virtual and self-paced courses.

Earlier in his Red Hat career, he co-founded Red Hat University and launched the Red Hat Sales College. Hnath holds a MBA from the University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill and a BSBA from the University of Florida.

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