Set goals

Before your organization can set IT automation goals, you need to get a clear picture of where your organization is in its automation adoption journey. Asking the right questions can help you gain a new perspective and identify areas of opportunity. 

Consider the following:

  • What simple but repetitive processes can be automated first to deliver and demonstrate results?

  • Are there homegrown or other automation solutions in use currently that will be difficult to manage if a subject matter expert becomes unavailable or moves on?

  • Can automation be used to relieve over-burdened teams or unite disparate functions?

man working on computer surrounded by clouds and the five process journey: second step

What tasks or processes are important for you to automate? Use these and other guiding questions to help set your automation goals. Download The automation architect’s handbook: A guide to leading your company’s end-to-end automation journey.

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Forrester: Assessing automation maturity