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An interesting new report - “The Role of Linux Servers and Commercial Workloads” - sponsored by The Linux Foundation and published by IDC, provides some impressive facts and opinions about the health of the Linux server market.

Quoting from the Summary: “Spending on software related to Linux SOE [Server Operating Environment] platforms is growing quickly – with a 2006-2011 CAGR of 35.7%. Overall spending on Linux SOEs, including software, hardware, and services, is increasing at a 2006-2011 CAGR of 24.1%.”

The report goes beyond the standard operating system view by including data on application deployments and breakdowns of Linux usage by vertical market. It also offers IDC’s views of Challenges and Opportunities facing the Linux SOE market today.

This report, by IDC analysts Al Gillen, Bret Waldman and Elaina Stergiades, is definitely recommended reading for anybody interested in how quickly the Linux server market is growing.

See the report. (#211647)

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