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Red Hat is pleased to announce that JBoss.org Portal project v2.7 is now available. Congratulations to the team for their hard work and dedication on this latest version, which is the first of several versions to be released over the next two years, solidifying Open Source as a leader in the Portal marketplace.

Portal 2.7’s new features include:

  • JSR 286 support for standards-based eventing between portlets;
  • Portlet Bridge supporting JSF, RichFaces and Seam-based portlets;
  • Usability improvements;
  • And many more

Portal 2.7 will provide the underpinnings for the upcoming JBoss Enterprise Portal Platform 4.3. The JBoss Enterprise Portal Platform provides an integrated open source platform for hosting and serving a portal’s web interface, aggregating, publishing, and managing its content, and personalizing it’s experience.

Stay tuned for more news from the Portal community, as our next community release (Portal 2.8) is slated for mid-2009!

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