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RH142 Linux Troubleshooting Techniques and Tools

Starting July 21, 2008, Red Hat is kicking off a new course for Linux Troubleshooting in our Tysons Corner, Virginia training facility. The course, RH142 Linux Troubleshooting Techniques and Tools, teaches participants various techniques for troubleshooting a Linux system and explores a variety of troubleshooting tools available on Red Hat Enterprise Linux. The four-day course is intended for Linux system administrators who want to broaden their understanding of troubleshooting on Linux.

A few of the topics covered in this course include:

  • Boot, applications and security troubleshooting
  • Preempting and protecting against hardware failures
  • Network and connectivity configurations techniques
  • Red Hat resources and tools

The course will also be offered in a variety of other Red Hat training facilities across the United States starting later this summer. You can get more information and view a complete schedule for the course here.

isc2 Exam Waivers for RHCEs

We are equally as excited to announce that Red Hat Certified Engineers (RHCEs) now qualify for an experience waiver when applying to take the following exams offered by isc2.org:

  • Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP)
  • Certification and Accreditation Professional (CAP)
  • Systems Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP)

isc2′s flagship credential, CISSP, is one of the most respected credentials in IT security. Normally, one must have five years of relevant security experience just to take the exam, but with an experience waiver you need just four. The exam itself is renowned as a challenging, exhaustive assessment of candidates’ understanding of security principles and policies. CISSP was the first IT security credential to earn ANSI accreditation for ISO 17024 compliance and is one of the most respected programs among testing professionals.

The Experience Waiver for Approved Credentials list is available on the isc2 site.

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