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Today marks the completion of our acquisition of substantially all of the assets of MetaMatrix, Inc., a leader in data management and integration software. By acquiring these MetaMatrix assets, Red Hat enhances its JBoss service-oriented architecture (SOA) products with the next generation of data management and integration capabilities. Also, the acquisition of these assets provides Red Hat with a foundation in data management software. Customers will now be able to more easily migrate their applications by enabling data to be more accessible regardless of differences in data sources and formats.

MetaMatrix data management software enables users to create a data services layer across disparate data sources to reconcile differences. It provides applications and users with easier access to data and enables more re-use of data across the enterprise. MetaMatrix will enhance Red Hat’s JBoss middleware products and enable data integration within SOA environments.

“MetaMatrix had a vision in SOA and data integration that was believed in by investors Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers, Invus Group and Integral Capital Partners,” said Jim Dougherty, CEO of MetaMatrix. “Now, with the acquisition of substantially all of the assets of MetaMatrix by Red Hat, these investors will see their vision become widely adopted throughout the market. MetaMatrix and Red Hat customers will surely benefit from this asset acquisition.”

MetaMatrix was represented by the investment banking firm Needham & Company in this transaction.

Missed the original announcement? See the press release here.

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