피드 구독

Insights image builder has added Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 10 Public Beta to the list of operating systems that you can build for all of your hybrid-cloud environments. You can learn more about RHEL 10 in the announcement here. This makes it easier than ever to customize and launch a new RHEL 10 Beta instance, as well as installation images for physical systems.

Try RHEL 10 Beta today

Simply go to Red Hat Insights for RHEL and click on Inventory->Images in the left navigation pane to access Insights image builder. The guided workflow will walk you through each step. Insights offers a preview mode, as shown below, that exposes new feature previews such as the ability to build images for use on Microsoft’s Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL2).

If you do not have a RHEL subscription, you can use the no-cost Developer for Individuals subscription which provides 16 instances for your own personal use. This FAQ provides more information and a sign up link to the developer program.

Screenshot showing RHEL 10 Public Beta in Red Hat Insights Image Builder

Screenshot showing RHEL 10 Public Beta in Red Hat Insights Image Builder

Experience your enterprise Linux of the future!

Insights image builder continues to make using RHEL easier than ever. More information on customization options and launching images can be found in Deploying and managing RHEL systems in hybrid clouds. Use the public facing API to integrate with your automated pipelines. Additional information on creating images for Microsoft WSL2 and using them with Podman Desktop can be found here and here.

Check out the overview and list of latest blog posts at redhat.com/image-builder, and then go over to Insights image builder to create your own custom RHEL 10 Beta Blueprints and RHEL images. Check out the announcement blog post to learn what else is new with RHEL 10 Beta.

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Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 무료 제품 체험판 다운로드

Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server (레드햇 엔터프라이즈 리눅스, RHEL 서버) 무료 체험판을 다운로드하세요: 시스템 관리, 예측 분석 소프트웨어 액세스 권한 포함

저자 소개

Terry Bowling has been designing and working with customers on UNIX and GNU/Linux environments since 1999. He brings this experience to the RHEL Product Management team to provide the best experience to assembling and deploying RHEL for customers. This includes the RHEL installer, image builder and related build services for RHEL being developed at Console.RedHat.com.

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