Convert2RHEL is a tool that makes it easy for you to convert CentOS Linux, Alma Linux, Rocky Linux or Oracle Enterprise Linux systems to the corresponding version of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL). Using the Convert2RHEL script and a few related tools, you can quickly and safely move from an old distribution to a fully supported RHEL version, and it really is as easy as running a script.
In June 2024, CentOS Linux 7 and RHEL 7 reached their EOL, and RHEL 8 reached its last minor release of 8.10. To support you on the conversion path, we've released the 2.0.0 version of the Convert2RHEL tool, which includes the following updates:
- Conversions from EL (Enterprise Linux) 8.10 to RHEL 8.10 are now supported
- Conversions to RHEL7 Extended Lifecycle Support (ELS) are now supported
- We cleaned up a number of deprecated command-line options, such as
--disable-submgr, -v|--variant, -f|--password-from-file, and --keep-rhsm
. If you're using the Convert2RHEL version 1.7.1 or earlier, then refer to the release notes and adjust your scripts and tools accordingly
Easier registration
One of the most important changes is how we treat registration in Red Hat Satellite.
Previously, when you wanted to convert a system subscribed to a Satellite service, you had to perform some semi-manual actions to allow the Convert2RHEL tool to register the system in Satellite during the conversion process.
This functionality has now been removed, and instead you're asked to register the system in Satellite before running the conversion.
Conversions after the EOL of RHEL 7
With the end of maintenance for RHEL 7, we know many of you need to move to RHEL 7 ELS to give yourselves time to migrate your systems. Or you might be looking to move to a more recent version entirely, like RHEL 8 or 9. Convert2RHEL allows conversions to RHEL 7 systems without an ELS subscription, but this option should only be used as an intermediate step on the path to upgrade to RHEL 8 or 9.
The goal is to make conversion easy for you and your organization. Try Convert2RHEL 2.0 for yourself and see just how easy it can be!
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