피드 구독

Whenever I end up at a family member's house—after the hug and a brief conversation—I get down to business. An innocent question reveals the need: "Hey, can I get on the WiFi?" "You can try; it hasn't been working lately."

Undoubtedly, all the software in their house is out of date. Whether it's a smartphone, smart TV, laptop, refrigerator, a child's tablet, or the dreaded printer, there is always something not talking to something else. It took quite a few years for me to learn, but before I open up Wireshark to start checking dropped packets or pop open top to look around, I open something else: software updates.

Before too long, I have all the smartphones, laptops, and tablets in front of me on the kitchen table like I'm hosting a software seance. One reboot after another, every out-of-date system goes from a brick to a perfectly refreshed device, rising to its full potential.

"Wow! You fixed it. You're a wizard."

So many of my closest family members' and friends' issues come down to a lack of software updates. Even the most exciting new hardware needs the latest software patch to keep it connected these days.

I know updating systems is not the most popular pastime, and that's okay. It gives me a great excuse to come over and share a meal with a loved one.

What's the first device you usually update when you visit a friend or family member? Pick your choice in the poll above.

저자 소개

Matt has a background in storage architecture, virtualization, and adoption of DevOps practices through companies small and large. He is also an open source contributor to projects, including Kubernetes, co-creator of podcasts, and co-built the DevRel Collective for Developer Relations professionals.

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