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Modern application environments are complex and getting more complex every day. The environments need to support multiple deployment infrastructures, application architectures, programming languages, and frameworks. 

It can be challenging and time-consuming for operations and development teams to be experts in all of the different technologies in order to install, configure, and maintain them. Kubernetes operators help streamline the installation, configuration, and maintenance complexity.

Red Hat® Process Automation is a set of products for intelligently automating business decisions and processes. Process Automation lets users capture business policies and procedures, create applications that automate business operations, and measure the results of business activities.

Red Hat Process Automation is based on the Drools, jBPM, and OptaPlanner communities.

The combined power of Red Hat Process Automation plus the OpenShift container management system streamlines the deployment, delivery, and scalability of cloud-native applications.

The installation and configuration of Red Hat Process Automation on OpenShift can now be automated using the Business Automation operator.  The operator creates the following Kubernetes resources:

  • Business Central: a web-based interactive environment used for developing, deploying, and monitoring services.
  • Process Server: also known as Execution Server or KIE Server, runs the decision services and process applications

[Video] Install Business Process Automation Tools Using the Business Automation Operator

[wpvideo qv407wK4]

If you are interested in learning more, take a look at the following resources:

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