Scribe simplifies data replication across clusters. You can use it for disaster recovery, data distribution and app and data migration. Scribe is storage-independent, making remote replication possible where it wasn't before.
Scribe supports all Kubernetes-based storage drivers, and supports CSI capabilities like Snapshots and VolumeClones when supported by the driver. Scribe is optimized for 1:1 or 1 to many data replication using rsync and rclone, controlled by a single Custom Resource.
In this AMA-style OpenShift Commons Briefing, Red Hat’s John Strunk and Scott Creeley give an introduction to Scribe, along with demonstration of some of Scribe's capabilities, a look at the development road map and a live question & answer.
Additional Resources:
Slides from the presentation
If you are interested in learning more about Scribe, please check out our documentation and community github resources here:
We are looking forward to meeting and interacting with our community and hearing your use cases, feedback and suggestions for future enhancements.
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