피드 구독

OpenShift Serverless functions bring function development to Kubernetes. Functions are small, focused bits of code written in Node.js, Quarkus, Python, and Go that run in your OpenShift cluster as Knative Services. Function development enables developers to focus exclusively on the business logic.

No longer do you need to create a server, or open a network port, or provide liveness and readiness endpoints, or create a Dockerfile. You just need to write your function, and OpenShift Serverless functions take care of the rest. Our command line CLI makes creating, testing and deploying functions amazingly simple and fast, from project creation to deployed service in under a minute.

In this talk, you'll learn about our OpenShift Serverless functions project, how it works, and see it in action with a live demo.

Here is a link to the slides from this OpenShift Commons Briefing.

Ultimately, OpenShift Serverless functions bring simplicity and ease to your deployments so they come off without a hitch quickly.

Additional Resources:

More information on OpenShift Serverless is available here as well.

We are looking forward to meeting and interacting with our community and hearing your use cases, feedback and suggestions for future enhancements.

Join the OpenShift Commons to hear about future OpenShift Commons Briefings and join the conversation globally to help enable the open source, container-driven hybrid cloud.

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