We are pleased to share that Red Hat has been honored with multiple awards this week, including a 2017 API Award and Software & Information Industry Association (SIIA) CODiE Awards in two categories. Red Hat 3scale API Management received an API Award in the API Management category and was awarded a CODiE for best API Management. For the third consecutive year, Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform received a CODiE award in the best Platform-as-as-Service category. Combined with other industry recognition, these awards show the depth and variety of Red Hat offerings, and highlights our broad strength of offerings in the enterprise IT market.
Corresponding with the API World 2017 Conference and Expo, the world’s largest vendor-neutral API conference with 3,000+ attendees, the API Awards are regarded by attendees as a source of definitive recognition for the API industry. This year, the API Awards received hundreds of nominations for 18 separate categories, including API Infrastructure, API Management, API Middleware and Microservices APIs. The winning solutions were selected based on excellence in three criteria: overall reputation in the API Industry, depth and breadth of recent media coverage and third-party validation and the innovativeness of the API initiative.
The SIIA CODiE Awards program was established as a forum for pioneers in the software industry to evaluate and honor each other’s work. Today’s CODiE Awards program continues with the same purpose – recognizing excellence by honoring the software and information industry's leading products and services. Winners are selected by members of SIIA from a pool of finalists following a rigorous evaluation by a dedicated judging panel.
Red Hat 3scale API Management makes it easier to manage APIs for both internal and external users, offering fundamental business value for all aspects of the digital world. Red Hat 3scale integrates directly with Red Hat JBoss Fuse, and the API gateway can be configured on Red Hat OpenShift to control and distribute each gateway in local deployments, cloud or on-premise, using the same stack.
"Red Hat 3scale API Management is a great example of how more and more of the tech industry is realizing that APIs are not just how we integrate tools and apps, APIs are the new way of doing business and building new revolutionary technologies,” said Geoff Domoracki, Founder of API World.
Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform is Red Hat’s flagship container application platform, helping organizations to develop, deploy and manage existing and container-based applications easily across physical, virtual, and public cloud infrastructures. With Red Hat OpenShift, enterprises can embrace new technologies like Linux containers, that can deliver innovative business applications and services, while still retaining a focus on existing mission-critical workloads.
We congratulate both the Red Hat 3scale and OpenShift teams on this recognition and believe it is a testament to Red Hat’s drive to create trusted open source technology that enables business transformation.
For more information on the SIIA CODiE awards, please visit: http://www.siia.net/codie/.
For more on the 2017 API World Awards, please visit: http://apiawards.co/.
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Red Hat is the world’s leading provider of enterprise open source software solutions, using a community-powered approach to deliver reliable and high-performing Linux, hybrid cloud, container, and Kubernetes technologies.
Red Hat helps customers integrate new and existing IT applications, develop cloud-native applications, standardize on our industry-leading operating system, and automate, secure, and manage complex environments. Award-winning support, training, and consulting services make Red Hat a trusted adviser to the Fortune 500. As a strategic partner to cloud providers, system integrators, application vendors, customers, and open source communities, Red Hat can help organizations prepare for the digital future.
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