Red Hat is pleased to announce that Red Hat Satellite 6.7 beta is available to current Satellite customers. This release has a focus on new and improved integrations as well as security feature and content management enhancements.
Red Hat Satellite is a scalable platform to manage patching, provisioning, and subscription management of your Red Hat infrastructure, regardless of where it is running. The Satellite 6.7 beta includes enhancements across reporting, automation, and supportability
While Satellite 6.7 beta supports Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 hosts, it is important to note that Satellite 6.7 must be installed on a Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 host. Support for running Satellite itself on a Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 host is scheduled for a later release.
The main features of the Satellite 6.7 beta are:
Automation enhancements:
Improved performance for the Satellite dynamic inventory inside of Ansible Tower to help increase the speed that the dynamic inventory updates.
Use of Ansible Runner inside of Satellite for better long term Ansible integration to help Satellite to stay current with the latest release of Ansible.
Enhancements for Red Hat Enterprise Linux integration
Ability to open and use the Web Console for individual hosts from Satellite without additional authentication.
System Purpose enhancements to attach system purpose to activation keys during provisioning. This is designed to provide a consistent experience in setting subscription data on new hosts.
Module Stream enhancements including the ability to create a content view filter based on modules and the ability to incrementally update a content view with dependencies.
Security feature enhancements:
Updates to the HTTP Proxy designed to make it simpler to use, and enabling a HTTP proxy to be set globally or on a per-repository basis.
User impersonation, which enables an administrator to see the view of another user on your Satellite.
TECH PREVIEW support for Common Access Cards (CAC) authentication via Red Hat SSO.
Content Management enhancements:
New report template for entitlement reporting, making it easier to generate a report of entitlements used in Satellite.
Ability to import and export templates through the Satellite user interface and get updates on the status of an import/export.
Support for uploading source RPMs (SRPM file type) via API or CLI.
Provisioning enhancements:
Introduction of Azure provisioning support, enabling you to create a compute resource for Azure and provision new hosts on Azure through Satellite
Enhancements to the Google Compute Engine (GCE) compute resource to add CLI and API endpoints.
Performance and Scale enhancements:
Improved tuning assistant which adds new medium and large tuning profiles, streamlines existing profiles, enables you to more easily change your tuning profiles as your environment grows, and general performance improvements.
Performance improvements to tasks, also including a bulk resume of paused tasks.
Little Bites:
Introduced an option to randomize the order that remote execution jobs are executed, helping to reduce load when running a large number of remote execution jobs across a large number of hosts.
Usability improvements including PatternFly updates leading to a refreshed login page and refreshed template editor.
Customers with active Red Hat Satellite subscriptions can test out the new features in Satellite 6.6 beta now by signing up for the beta.
You can also refer to the Red Hat Satellite 6.7 Beta FAQ for additional information.
저자 소개
John Spinks is a Senior Principal Technical Marketing Manager for Red Hat. He acts as a subject matter expert for Red Hat Management products including Satellite and Insights. Previous experience includes almost 10 years as a Technical Marketing Engineer for NetApp in RTP, NC.
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