피드 구독

Runtime pertains to the active execution of a system, which may encompass infrastructure, applications operating within containers, or local systems. Runtime security refers to the security measures implemented while the  application is actively running. This is especially important, as revealed by the State of Kubernetes Security Report 2023, where it was observed that 49% of security incidents pertaining to containers and Kubernetes occurred during the runtime phase.

Runtime security tools can help to overcome challenges by providing observability and continuous visibility to security teams. They also facilitate alignment between developers and security teams, ensuring the dissemination and enforcement of best practices. 

Tune into  the third episode of the Security Series on Ask an OpenShift Admin, where Michael Foster, the host of the Secure Cloud Cast, joins Andrew and Jonny for an in-depth discussion on Runtime Security! 

Ask an OpenShift Admin | Ep 116 | Security Series: Runtime Security

At Red Hat, we offer Red Hat Advanced Cluster Security for Kubernetes as a tool to help inform and enforce security policies during build, deploy and runtime. Try ACS Cloud Service today! 

Don’t miss next week as we wrap up the Security Series with the final episode on CI/CD Pipeline Security! 

저자 소개

Jehlum is in the Red Hat OpenShift Product Marketing team and is very passionate about learning about how customers are adopting OpenShift and helping them do more with OpenShift!

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