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Virtualization is a hot topic in 2024, and for good reason. You want to know what options you have moving forward. This year’s Red Hat Summit in Denver, CO (May 7-9) is a great place to ask questions and see how Red Hat can make your life easier.

We’ve got you covered if you’re looking to move your virtualization environments to a more modern, container-based system. Red Hat OpenShift includes OpenShift Virtualization and OpenShift GitOps, which can be combined to bring VMs into your cloud-native development workflows. Check out this video for more info:

If you want to find out more ways you can help modernize your organization’s virtualization systems, join one of these sessions at Red Hat Summit (Denver and virtual):

Migrating thousands of virtual machines to Red Hat OpenShift Virtualization at Ally Bank

Tuesday, May 7 11:45 AM - 12:30 PM MDT

Room 503/504 - Street level

Recently, Ally Bank started working with Red Hat to migrate thousands of virtual machines (VMs) from VMware to Red Hat OpenShift Virtualization. In this session, technology experts from Ally Bank will share insights from the migration process, including:

  • Choosing a new VM solution.
  • Building a Red Hat OpenShift-based bare-metal platform for hosting VMs.
  • Reviewing the architecture and decision making while building the platform.
  • Determining scope, planning, and completing a large-scale migration.
  • Modernizing private cloud with application transformation.

Robert Brownlee, Director Lead, Private Cloud Technology, Ally Financial
Daniel Foley, Openshift Platform Architect, Ally Financial
Paul Jozwiak, Enterprise Systems Engineer, Ally Financial
Ales Nosek, Principal Architect, Red Hat
Session type: Panel

Creating a Mission Critical Application Platform with Red Hat Consulting

Tuesday, May 7 12:50 PM - 1:10 PM MDT

Summit Discovery Theater 2

Companies need highly resilient platforms to run their mission critical applications and help developers produce high quality code faster and without having to worry about the underlying infrastructure. Scaling as necessary and being able to operate within rigid regulatory compliance and security frameworks are also top priorities and all this needs to be achieved while constraining operational costs. In this session we will review a real world example of how our seasoned Red Hat Consulting team partnered to build a platform that caters for all of the above using Red Hat OpenShift combined with Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (ACM), Red Hat Advanced Cluster Security (ACS) and Ansible Automation Platform (AAP) to be compliant with the company's regulations and use automation at scale to manage the clusters, as well as OpenShift Virtualization to add another layer of resilience to those clusters and reduce operational costs.

Camry Fedei, Principal Portfolio Architect, Red Hat
Ricardo Garcia Cavero, Principal Technical Marketing Manager, Red Hat
Session type: Lightning talk—

Demystifying confidential VMs for the datacenter, public cloud, and edge

Wednesday, May 8 10:00 AM - 10:20 AM MDT

Summit Discovery Theater 1

Confidential computing allows data processing to happen in a private and trusted way, even when the underlying infrastructure is essentially untrusted or shared between multiple tenants. New CPU features such as Intel TDX (Trusted Domain Execution) and AMD SEV-SNP (Secure Encrypted Virtualization with Secure Nested Paging)—when used together with open source software and standards—are finally demystifying and bringing confidential computing to the datacenter, public cloud, and edge environments.

In this session, Klaus Kiwi (Red Hat Virtualization team) and Hubertus Franke (IBM Research) will cover innovative open source technology in confidential virtual machines, including an overview of the virtual Trusted Platform Module (vTPM) and the Secure Virtual Service Machine (SVSM) to create a new "Paravisor" virtual firmware, that will allow remote attestation of trusted, encrypted guest images that cannot be inspected or tampered with from the virtualization host.

Klaus Kiwi, Senior Manager, Software Engineering, Red Hat
Hubertus Franke, Distinguished Research Scientist, IBM Research
Session type: Lightning talk

Experience Red Hat OpenShift Virtualization: A modern application platform for virtual machines

Wednesday, May 8 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM MDT

Mile High Ballroom 4C/4D - Lower level

Wednesday, May 8 12:30 PM - 2:00 PM MDT

Mile High Ballroom 2C - Lower level

Virtualization is more than just deploying a virtual machine (VM) and handing it over to the application team. As an infrastructure architect and virtualization admin, you’re responsible for the platform—including managing the hardware, applying patches and updates, configuring and managing storage, and more. Join this hands-on lab to experience managing VMs and underlying infrastructure with Red Hat OpenShift Virtualization’s cloud-native approach. We’ll share an overview of OpenShift Virtualization and related platform management tools and methods that can help you adopt a modern approach to deploying and managing a virtualization platform.

Andrew Sullivan, Senior Manager, Product Marketing, Red Hat
Peter Lauterbach, Senior Technical Product Manager, Red Hat
Sachin Mullick, Senior Manager, Product Management, Red Hat
Session type: Lab

Virtualization automation: Helping you investigate, migrate, and operate your virtual machines

Wednesday, May 8 1:00 PM - 1:45 PM MDT

Room 201 - Street level

For many IT leaders, the changing virtualization landscape is a forcing function for them to re-evaluate their IT estate, especially around virtual machine management. Now is the opportunity to accelerate the migration, management, and ongoing operations of their virtualization platforms. This session will detail how Ansible Automation Platform can help with virtual machine management with OpenShift Virtualization and beyond.

Chad Ferman, Senior Principal Product Manager, Red Hat Ansible Business Unit, Red Hat, Red Hat
Andrius Benokraitis, Senior Manager, Ansible Automation Platform Technical Marketing, Red Hat
Session type: Breakout

Modernizing virtualization with Red Hat OpenShift Virtualization

Wednesday, May 8 3:30 PM - 4:15 PM MDT

Room 604 - Street level

Join this roundtable session to hear how organizations have tackled challenges of traditional virtualization, such as operational complexity, by modernizing with Red Hat OpenShift Virtualization. This session will allow for an interactive discussion about virtualization challenges your organization is facing and how others are approaching them. Participants will hear from organizations like Morgan Stanley about their experience and lessons learned migrating existing virtual machines to Red Hat OpenShift Virtualization. And attendees will learn how Red Hat OpenShift Virtualization brings modern application development and deployment principles to VMs, allowing teams to run VMs consistently across on-premise, edge, and supported cloud environments.

Peter Lauterbach, Senior Technical Product Manager, Red Hat
Michael Hanulec, Goldman Sachs
Alisha Gryniewicz, Morgan Stanley
Session type: Roundtable discussion

Sobre o autor

I joined Red Hat on April Fools' Day, 2019, leading content marketing for Red Hat OpenShift.

Read full bio

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