Red Hat recently open sourced Calamari, the management platform for Ceph. As a part of rolling this valuable tool out to the community we're taking some time to walk through the current functionality in an upcoming webinar on June 24th:
For those who are unfamiliar with Calamari, it consists of two components:
- Backend: written in Python 2.6+, using Saltstack, ZeroRPC, gevent, Django, django-rest-framework, graphite, and more, it instantiates a new REST API for integration with other systems. It is designed to be much more comprehensive and should be the basis for new development efforts that wish to interact with a Ceph cluster.
- Frontend: a web browser UI implemented primarily in Javascript, it uses the Calamari REST API.
You should also know that Calamari:
- Does not currently include deployment functionality, but long-term, it is expected to have hooks for deployment tools that include both ceph-deploy and other tools like Puppet, Chef, Juju, etc.
- While the Ceph REST API is a low level interface where each URL maps directly to an equivalent command to the `ceph` CLI tool, the Calamari REST API presents a higher level interface where API consumers can manipulate objects using idiomatic GET/POST/PATCH operations without knowing the underlying Ceph commands. Calamari REST API produces interpreted data and is designed for many applications to be built on top of it.
- You can use the Calamari backend to integrate Ceph with your own user interface.
For the full intro writeup about Ceph Calamari, check out the blog here:
If you're interested in learning more, don't miss the June 24th webinar demonstrating how you can monitor the health and performance of your Ceph cluster and perform RADOS management tasks!
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