피드 구독

Red Hat Summit 2022 is less than two months away and we can’t wait for you to see the powerful and inspiring stories that will be showcased! We’ll be bringing together speakers from around the world and across sectors to share how they are building better solutions for their customers and for themselves using open source solutions.

Join us May 10 and 11 as thousands of customers, partners, and technology industry leaders from around the world come together for two days of innovation, education and collaboration. (Psst, registration is open!

During Red Hat Summit 2022 you'll enjoy talks from visionary technology industry speakers, inspirational stories from our customers and partners, informative Ask the Experts sessions, and more!

To whet your appetite here’s a sneak peek of what some of our Red Hat executives will be talking about during the keynote sessions. They will be joined by customers, partners and other industry leaders to share how open source technology is making a difference.

Tuesday, May 10: 1-2 p.m. EDT

The “new normal” isn’t a given, especially for IT. CIOs and IT leaders get to define it for themselves and, odds are, it’s going to start with open source. But more than that, a new normal founded on open source software can help organizations uncover the genius within their ranks, no matter where it is or what shape it may take.

Red Hat CEO Paul Cormier Red Hat president and chief executive officer Paul Cormier will explore the concept of the new normal in enterprise IT, and how CIOs can establish an innovative and more flexible future for their organization with open source technologies. Through conversations with Red Hat customers and partners, Cormier will highlight how open source code shifted from a hobby to a production necessity, and how this trend will only continue to evolve in the future. 

He will be joined by senior vice president of Partner Ecosystem Success, Stefanie Chiras, who will discuss the importance of our partner ecosystem and how Red Hat is the connective tissue that brings together a wide range of partners, ISVs, companies and technologies to help our customers succeed.

Matt Hicks, executive vice president, Products and Technologies, will then discuss how organizations can use this new normal to connect their geniuses and turn raw potential into their own innovation engine. 

Hicks will further explore how this connection is driven by open source through a deeper conversation with Red Hat customers and highlight how new open source platforms and technologies from Red Hat can help organizations build greater connections between distributed geniuses, helping to fuel the next wave of technological breakthroughs.

Wednesday, May 11: 9-10 a.m. EDT

Enterprises are at a crossroads, and the approach they take in selecting technologies and an ecosystem of partners has never been more critical. 

Red Hat CTO Chris Wright During his keynote, Red Hat senior vice president and chief technology officer, Chris Wright, will present his technological vision for modern enterprises, and ask attendees to reimagine what they believe is possible at their organizations so that they can build the future they want. Chiras will join him for a conversation about how we work with partners to collaborate on solutions. 

Wright will share his vision of a distributed system that blends the physical and virtual worlds, and creates richer insights so that enterprises can be smarter, sustainable, and more secure. He will also describe Red Hat’s collaborative efforts in open source communities and with its partners, and how those ultimately find their way into the real-world IT environments of Red Hat’s customers. 

The end result? Enterprises can build the future they want, and move faster than their competition to quickly adapt to both disruptions and opportunities.

Don’t miss out on these informative keynotes and all the other energizing content at Red Hat Summit 2022! Sign up today and follow us the Red Hat Blog for more updates about Red Hat events and more.

저자 소개

Red Hat is the world’s leading provider of enterprise open source software solutions, using a community-powered approach to deliver reliable and high-performing Linux, hybrid cloud, container, and Kubernetes technologies.

Red Hat helps customers integrate new and existing IT applications, develop cloud-native applications, standardize on our industry-leading operating system, and automate, secure, and manage complex environments. Award-winning support, training, and consulting services make Red Hat a trusted adviser to the Fortune 500. As a strategic partner to cloud providers, system integrators, application vendors, customers, and open source communities, Red Hat can help organizations prepare for the digital future.

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