피드 구독

As we head toward a software-defined, container-centric, micro-services driven IT culture, it is becoming quite apparent to CIOs that their storage is stuck in the stone age. In some ways storage was the last bastion of mode 1 technologies, as things around it in the data center have gone the way of distributed, scale-out, and agile.

Customers who choose to add in open software-defined storage into the mix, or make a clean sweep transition for all their storage, can quickly realize several benefits. We have articulated the top ten in this list….Drumroll!

Ten Reasons to Choose Red Hat Gluster Storage over EMC Isilon

  1. Cost effective, even at petabyte scale
  2. Choice of deployment environment (bare metal, VM, container, cloud)
  3. Deploy enterprise storage on industry-standard hardware
  4. Performance and sizing guides for optimal hardware selection
  5. Granular updates (including security fixes) as opposed to forklift updates
  6. World-class, open source platform (RHEL, XFS) vs. closed, proprietary platform
  7. All features included, no hidden costs for add-on features
  8. Skills reuse (leverage existing Linux skills set)
  9. Simple pricing model
  10. Tested, trusted support and services

If you find that some of these claims are audacious, you’re not alone. We think the same way. And we have the data to back it up. Hear for yourself from experts such as Brent Compton, Director of Solution Architectures at Red Hat Storage, by signing up for a free webinar replay from June 8 or a repeat performance on June 16. Brent has some very compelling data that corroborates each of the items in the preceding list. Our expert panel will also take live questions at the end.

If you’d like to speak to Red Hat Storage experts live, please join us at Red Hat Summit in San Francisco in a few weeks or sign up for one of our free Red Hat Storage Days coming to a city near you.

In the meantime, watch this video, in which we discuss just how Red Hat Gluster Storage stacks up against traditional storage like EMC Isilon:

Sign up for the June 8 webinar replay.
Sign up for the June 16 webinar.

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