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Most integration projects start small. However, in order to keep the lights on, businesses need to ensure these instances have high availability requirements and scalability to keep up with growing workloads. But how can you automate the deployment of a high availability configuration, while continuing to process messages without losing data?


In this short video, we discuss a few tips for creating Ansible playbooks to deploy AMQ brokers throughout your enterprise.


Why use Ansible? Aside from it being a piece of cake, it jumpstarts your DevOps initiatives by providing the following:

  • Variables - Any parameters that are specific to an environment, can be encapsulated using variables.
  • Roles - Roles modularize all the artifacts required to run configurations.
  • Ansible Tower - Tower is a web-based system allowing us to manage credentials, playbooks, and inventories.


After watching the video you’ll walk away with an understanding of how to:

  • Configure a basic base-level Ansible playbook to install AMQ7
  • Configure each of the brokers on a host(s)
  • Leverage Ansible modules to execute commands
  • Add additional queues onto hosts once the infrastructure has been deployed
  • Use a playbook to promote a deployed infrastructure into different environment


This is not Red Hat’s first rodeo. Check out this Ansible role from our Red Hat Community of Practice (CoP) that implements an instance similar to what we discussed in the video: https://github.com/redhat-cop/jboss_amq.


Interested in learning more? Red Hat Consulting is here to help. Talk to your account executive about a no-cost Red Hat Consulting Discovery Session to find out more about our automation and integration capabilities, or reach out directly to redhat.com/consulting with questions.


Be sure to catch another segment of the Red Hat Consulting Whiteboard Video series, available at: red.ht/RHCVideos.


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