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We are pleased to announce the general availability of Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform (JBoss EAP) 7.1, which is designed to simplify and unify security configuration management and further reduce server maintenance time and effort. We believe these enhancements, plus many others included in JBoss EAP 7.1, contribute to a more secure, efficient, easier to use, and better performing application platform.

As Red Hat's flagship middleware product, and the leading open source Java EE 7-compliant application server, JBoss EAP is used by organizations around the world to deploy and manage business-critical enterprise Java applications, whether on-premise or in virtual, private, public and hybrid clouds.

Performance and reliability are of the utmost importance for today’s businesses, and we continue to focus on enhancing both. For instance, JBoss EAP 7.1 is designed to further improve domain fault tolerance with the ability to automatically reconnect host controllers to the domain controller using a cached configuration. Also, listeners can now be registered for new server lifecycle event notifications, including the custom registration of JMX listeners, which can help administrators better monitor the health of the application server environment.

To strengthen the security capabilities of JBoss EAP, we have added a new alternative security subsystem based on the open source WildFly Elytron community project, which enables users to unify security configuration management across the application server, and includes a set of APIs and SPIs for creating custom implementations of functionality and integration. JBoss EAP can be configured to use container-managed single sign-on for applications using Elytron. In addition, it can now automatically generate a self-signed certificate for applications. The Elytron subsystem provides a single point of configuration for helping secure both applications and the management interfaces. By unifying security configuration management across the app server, administrators can more easily configure, manage and maintain security settings, which can improve productivity.

Additional enhancements in JBoss EAP 7.1 include support for HTTP/2 for modern web application development; high availability clustered singleton MDBs; a load balancing profile and JCA distributed work manager – as well as a performance tuning guide – for higher availability and performance; the ability to use JDBC to persist messages and bind data to a database; access to AMQ brokers using the integrated ActiveMQ Artemis resource adapter; and an expanded (and updated) set of quickstarts to help users get up and running faster.

For full details on the update, refer to the JBoss EAP 7.1 release notes.

With JBoss EAP 7.1, Red Hat is demonstrating its commitment to the enterprise Java community through continued resources and innovation in the platform, offering greater stability, support and peace of mind to customers as Java EE transitions to become a top level project under the Eclipse Foundation as Eclipse Enterprise for Java (EE4J).

JBoss EAP is available for download by members of the Red Hat Developers community. Customers can get the latest updates from the Red Hat Customer Portal.

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