We’re pleased to announce our unified open software-defined storage portfolio, which brings together Red Hat Ceph Storage, formerly known as Inktank Ceph Enterprise, and Red Hat Gluster Storage, formerly known as Red Hat Storage Server. This unified Red Hat Storage portfolio helps enterprises manage their current and emerging data storage workloads using open source software and standard hardware.
Today’s announcement is an important milestone in the continued momentum of Red Hat’s charter to bring open software-defined storage to enterprises that began with the acquisition of Gluster, Inc., in October 2011, and continued with the acquisition of Inktank, Inc., provider of Ceph, in May 2014. The product developed by Inktank has gone through Red Hat’s quality engineering processes and is now a fully-supported Red Hat solution, re-branded as Red Hat Ceph Storage.
Read the full press release, which has details about each of the Red Hat Storage offerings, here.
- For more information about Red Hat Ceph Storage, click here
- For more information about Red Hat Gluster Storage, click here
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