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The open source roots of robotics

Brian Gerkey

As the importance of robotics and automation increases, I believe it’s vital that we’re building those industries on an open source commons.

Brian Gerkey, CEO, Open Robotics

About this talk

The open source roots of robotics

Linux, Apache, MySQL, and Python made the internet accessible to any developer with an idea. The Robot Operating System (ROS) and Gazebo are doing the same for robotics today. These software products sparked revolutions, Open Robotics CEO Brian Gerkey says, because they’re open source. Gerkey explores how a commitment to open source turned ROS and Gazebo into industry standards.

Brian Gerkey
CEO, Open Robotics

Brian Gerkey, a 20-year veteran of the robotics industry, is the CEO of Open Robotics. Previously, Gerkey was director of open source at Willow Garage, the seminal Silicon Valley startup that launched ROS, a collection of libraries and tools for app developers, and Gazebo, a visualization and simulation tool. While Willow closed in 2014, Open Robotics maintains ROS and Gazebo for use by robotics companies, universities, and government agencies.


Red Hat Summit 2020 Virtual Experience

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