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In case you missed the news, AnsibleFest 2022 is coming up soon, and we're back to a live and in-person format!

AnsibleFest 2022 is taking place October 18 - 19, in Chicago, Illinois at the Sheraton Chicago. This two-day event will give you the latest Ansible news and announcements, a chance to interact directly with automation experts, and hands-on experience with Ansible through labs and workshops.

If you haven't registered yet, now's the time—you can still catch early bird pricing for a little while, and you still have plenty of time to arrange your flights and hotel.

AnsibleFest 2022 content themes, tracks and session types

This year's two-day event is focused around two primary themes:

  • Day 1: Leveling up your automation today

  • Day 2: Preparing for the automation of tomorrow

To address these themes, there are six content tracks that will offer a range of sessions and topics, including:

  • Getting started with automation

  • The Ansible community

  • Automation adoption

  • Automation, applied

  • Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform

  • Advanced Ansible

Session types include:

  • Interactive sessions - a chance to talk to automation experts about a variety of topics

  • Labs - both self-paced and instructor-led sessions

  • Workshops - both speaker-led or group exercises

  • Communities of practice sessions - moderated discussions around pre-determined topics

Want to dig into the details? You're in luck, because the AnsibleFest 2022 session catalog and agenda builder are now available!

AnsibleFest 2022 session catalog

The AnsibleFest 2022 session catalog gives you a quick and easy way to see the summaries for the various sessions, which can be filtered in a variety of ways to make it easier to focus in on exactly the topics you're interested in.

If you're registered, you'll even be able to add sessions to your personalized AnsibleFest 2022 agenda or regular calendar right through the catalog interface.

AnsibleFest 2022 agenda builder

Once you're registered, the AnsibleFest 2022 agenda builder gives you another way to decide on which sessions you'd like to attend. This calendar-based system shows you what sessions are available for each time slot during the two-day event, making it simple to optimize your schedule so you don't miss the sessions you most want to see.

Register now!

We hope you're as excited about AnsibleFest 2022 as we are! We'll have more news soon, so stay tuned. In the meantime…



Deb Richardson joined Red Hat in 2021 and is a Senior Content Strategist, primarily working on the Red Hat Blog.

Read full bio

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