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As we get back into 2018, we decided to get back to basic, "PodCTL Basics". These are our shorter, 10-15 minute shows which cover introductory-level knowledge about various topics related to Containers, Kubernetes or Cloud-native applications.

We're done some "Basics" shows in the past:

We kicked off this year with an introductory discussion about "Service Mesh" technologies, such as Istio, Envoy and Linkerd, and how they apply to modern application architectures.

The show will always be available on this blog (search: #PodCTL), as well as RSS FeedsiTunesGoogle PlayStitcherTuneIn and all your favorite podcast players.


Brian Gracely (@bgracely) is Sr. Director, Portfolio Strategy at Red Hat. He has previously held leadership, product management, engineering, marketing and M&A roles at Cisco, EMC, NetApp, Virtustream, Solo. He is an industry-recognized leader in cloud computing, and hosts the industry's #1 cloud computing and AI podcast, The Cloudcast.

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