We are pleased to announce the availability of Red Hat Satellite 6.15. This release includes many new and updated features, including an improved user interface/user experience and new features to simplify operation and administration.
- katello-agent removed
- Please use Remote Execution Pull Mode or SSH Mode.
- If katello-agent is enabled and you try to start the upgrade, satellite-maintain will stop and give you a warning.
- UI improvements
- End of life banner to notify administrators that Satellite instance is near end of life and provide guidance for next steps.
- New search function in the WebUI to find the feature you need.
- Automatic activation key population.
- Webhooks improvements
- Improved error handling.
- Host removal event will provide network interface information
- Refined the host updated event to separate host updates and host facts updates. Host facts updates will trigger when new facts are imported.
- New capsule sync success and failure events.
- Convert to RHEL toolkit
- Security hardening
- fapolicyd support for DISA/CIS/STIG requirements
- Improved scalability and performance
- Redis caching to improve WebUI performance
- Inter-Satellite Sync Export synchronization 3x to 15x faster
For more details on these and a complete list of new and improved features, see the release notes.
For instructions on performing a fresh installation of Red Hat Satellite 6.15, see Installing Satellite Server from a Connected Network or Installing Satellite Server from a Disconnected Network.
For instructions on upgrading from an earlier version of Red Hat Satellite 6.x, see the Upgrading and Updating Red Hat Satellite Guide or use the Red Hat Satellite Upgrade Helper.
As a Senior Principal Technical Marketing Manager in the Red Hat Enterprise Linux business unit, Matthew Yee is here to help everyone understand what our products do. He joined Red Hat in 2021 and is based in Vancouver, Canada.
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