
Developing cloud-ready Camel microservice

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Hear from Claus Isben, Sr. Principal Software Engineer, Red Hat in this breakout session from Red Hat Summit 2017.

For Java developers, it may be daunting to get started developing container applications that run on OpenShift clusters. Minishift can help you run OpenShift locally by launching a local, single-node OpenShift cluster within a virtual machine. With fabric8 tools, it’s even easier to install and run OpenShift using familiar tools like Apache Maven. In this session, we’ll build a set of Apache Camel- and Jav-based microservices that use Spring Boot and WildFly Swarm. We’ll show how fabric8 Maven tools can be used to build, deploy, and run your Java projects on local or remote OpenShift clusters, as well as to easily perform live debugging. Additionally, we’ll discuss best practices for building distributed and fault-tolerant microservices using technologies such as Kubernetes Services, Netflix Hystrix, and Apache Camel Enterprise Integration Patterns (EIPs) for fault tolerance.

Learn more: https://www.redhat.com/en/summit/2017/agenda/sessions

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