Customers running Red Hat Ceph Storage 3 are going to have a little more time to plan and prepare for their upgrade.
Earlier this year we announced several product life cycle changes to help take the pressure off organizations focused on near-term operations. Our priority was to provide extensions to our products that would have had an end of maintenance (EOM) phase in the near future so our customers are not forced to perform upgrades or migrations while reeling from the impact of COVID-19.
The end of life date we published for Ceph Storage 3 in April has been extended from December 1, 2020 to February 28, 2021 as a customer courtesy. This will allow an additional period for you to prepare and carry out your upgrade to Red Hat Ceph Storage 4, which is to be supported through the end of January 2023.
If you have general questions or need assistance with upgrading to RHCS4, please reach out to Red Hat Technical Support. For more details on Extended Lifecycle Support (ELS) subscriptions for RHCS3, or to discuss how a Red Hat Consulting Services engagement can help you meet your goals, please reach out to your Red Hat representative.
For more details, check out the Red Hat Ceph Storage life cycle policy.
Red Hat is here to help
Red Hat succeeds when we help our customers accomplish their goals. We believe the COVID-19 crisis calls for flexibility and responsiveness to our customers needs, and providing stability while there's so much uncertainty. We hope that providing additional time to maintain mission critical platforms will allow our customers to focus on more immediate and pressing concerns for their organizations.
We'll continue to monitor the situation and work closely with our customers to deliver the best support we can while we navigate the changes before us. We're here to help.
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