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You may have read some of our recent posts about the recent OpenStack Summit in Vancouver. What you may not have seen are the thoughts from the industry or the conversation on social networks. Read on for a snapshot in time!

In the news

Our OpenStack Manila news saw articles in many of the leading industry press. Here are links and some select excerpts:

eWeek: Red Hat Reveals Shared File System Service for OpenStack

“As data center-to-cloud and cloud-to-cloud deployments become more commonplace and larger workloads go online, numerous complexities set in. A shared file system service that scales along with all this new activity—and does not interfere with production—would be a welcome addition.”

CRN: OpenStack: Red Hat Integrates Manila File Storage With Gluster

“Red Hat has come a long way with its storage offering since its original acquisition of Gluster, said Bradley Brodkin, president and CEO of HighVail Systems, a Toronto, Ont.-based solution provider and Red Hat channel partner.”

Cloud Computing Intelligence (CCI): Red Hat Gluster Storage with OpenStack Manila technology preview adds software-defined storage to OpenStack Clouds

“Preview users can test the functionality of OpenStack Manila today by downloading it from the OpenStack RDO community-supported distribution with the RDO Packstack Installer. The Red Hat Gluster Storage with Manila technology preview is planned for inclusion in the forthcoming Red Hat Enterprise Linux OpenStack Platform 7 release.”

Storage Review: Red Hat Announces OpenStack Shared File System Service

ZDNet: Red Hat Brings Gluster to OpenStack Shared File Service

DBTA: Red Hat to Ship OpenStack Shared File System Service


Valuable slide decks

Red Hat led more than 40 sessions at OpenStack Summit, with nearly a quarter of those comprised of storage related topics. We rounded up some of the presentations from the summit so you can check them out, too.

CEPH AND OPENSTACK: Current integration, roadmap and more! (Click here for PDF)
Presented by Sébastien Han, Senior Cloud Architect, and Josh Durgin, Senior Software Engineer RBD lead

Dude, where’s my volume?
Presented by Sean Cohen, Principal Product Manager, Cloud Storage

Keeping OpenStack storage trendy with Ceph and containers
Presented by Sage Weil, Ceph principal architect at Red Hat

Storage security in a critical enterprise OpenStack environment
Presented by Sage Weil, Ceph principal architect at Red Hat


What you said

There was a LOT of conversation at the summit – you can see Red Hat related tweets for yourself by clicking here, but we’ve embedded a few goodies below:

Your turn

Did you attend the summit? What were the highlights for you?



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