
Middleware security: Authentication, authorization, and auditing services

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Rarely does middleware security enter the conversation, but it should. Services such as single sign-on (SSO), overall enterprise identity access controls, auditing and compliance, certifications, vulnerability management (SCAP), and others are critical to application security and overall enterprise IT control. In this session, you'll learn what Red Hat is doing to provide security across its Red Hat® JBoss Middleware—including Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform (EAP), Red Hat JBoss Fuse, and Red Hat OpenShift. We'll introduce a new single sign-on service based on Keycloak, which uses the latest OpenID Connect, OAuth 2.0, and SAML standards, to help secure your applications and services running on Red Hat JBoss Middleware. We will also cover two customer implementations: With more than a 1/2 million users, Red Hat IT provides authentication and authorization services to an ever-growing number of customers. You'll learn how we're using Keycloak as an identity provider and Red Hat JBoss EAP as service provider for single sign-on, social login, federated logout and more, across on-premise and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) applications. SWIFT is the leading global provider of secure financial messaging services.

In this case study, you'll learn best practices for securing SWIFT messages with industry-standard enterprise integration patterns (EIP) and Apache Camel components supported in Red Hat JBoss Fuse. You'll also learn how to eliminate data at rest and guarantee message delivery when communicating between legacy back-office systems and the SWIFT network.

Learn more: https://www.redhat.com/en/technologies/jboss-middleware

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