피드 구독

This is an additional update to my previous blog post about binary deployments with OpenShift 3.

OpenShift 3.2 has introduced a new way to do deal with binary input sources where your artifact (eg: a war file) is locally available. I have been getting several inquiries about this feature and I am posting this update.


Step 1: Create a war file and place it in deployments directory under a folder of your choice

As an example here is my previous example of petstore.war that I renamed to ROOT.war and placed in the deployments folder

$ ls -lR
total 0
drwxr-xr-x 3 veer staff 102 Jul 5 2015 deployments

total 12024
-rwxr-xr-x 1 veer staff 6155452 Jul 5 2015 ROOT.war


Step 2: Create a new build using the builder image of your choice. Here I am using JBoss EWS (tomcat 8) image. The flag binary=true indicates that this build will use the binary content instead of the url to the source code.

Here I am naming my application as "myapp". So all the artifacts will get the name "myapp"


$ oc new-build --image-stream=jboss-webserver30-tomcat8-openshift --binary=true --name=myapp
--> Found image 298446b (4 weeks old) in image stream "jboss-webserver30-tomcat8-openshift" in project "openshift" under tag "latest" for "jboss-webserver30-tomcat8-openshift"

JBoss Web Server 3.0
Platform for building and running web applications on JBoss Web Server 3.0 - Tomcat v8

Tags: builder, java, tomcat8

* A source build using binary input will be created
* The resulting image will be pushed to image stream "myapp:latest"

--> Creating resources with label build=myapp ...
imagestream "myapp" created
buildconfig "myapp" created
--> Success


Step 3:  Start the build by uploading the contents of your current directory. Remember the war file is in the deployments folder. The jboss-ews builder image knows to copy the contents of the deployments folder to the deployments directory and then builds the application image.

$ oc start-build myapp --from-dir=.
Uploading "." at commit "HEAD" as binary input for the build ...
Uploading directory "." as binary input for the build ...


Step 4: Now create the application with the same name as what you gave for the build. Also expose the service as a route to be able to use it from the browser.

Here again I am using the name "myapp", so that the rest of the objects such as deployment configuration and service  are created with the same name and refer to the image-stream created earlier.

$ oc new-app myapp
--> Found image ed346c5 (35 seconds old) in image stream myapp under tag "latest" for "myapp"

Platform for building and running web applications on JBoss Web Server 3.0 - Tomcat v8

Tags: builder, java, tomcat8

* This image will be deployed in deployment config "myapp"
* Ports 8080/tcp, 8443/tcp, 8778/tcp will be load balanced by service "myapp"
* Other containers can access this service through the hostname "myapp"

--> Creating resources with label app=myapp ...
deploymentconfig "myapp" created
service "myapp" created
--> Success
Run 'oc status' to view your app.


$ oc expose svc myapp
route "myapp" exposed

Now you can get the route and access the application using the URL.

Keeping the promise of providing best experience for the users, OpenShift is always adding such cool features.  Thanks for reading!!!


Acknowledgements: Thanks to Ben Parees for helping me figure out how to do this easily.

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