피드 구독

Flock logo Did you miss the Flock to Fedora conference, or just want to relive the greatness?

With many workshops, presentations, and over 200 attendees, it's safe to say that Flock 2015 was a huge success.

This year's location at the Rochester Institute of Technology was quite the compatible fit. Fedora is quite popular among RIT students and faculty alike. One RIT researcher, Jon Schull, even started the eNABLE Community Foundation a nonprofit organization that creates prosthetic upper-limb devices for children in need. These limbs are created with a 3D printer as well as open source software running on the Fedora platform. Flock attendees had the opportunity to learn more about eNABLE from Schull himself.

What Were Some Highlights?

In his introductory keynote, Fedora Project Leader Matthew Miller announced that the state of Fedora is awesome (sigh of relief). Additionally, a majority of Fedora users are now on the latest release. If you're not using the latest release, take the hint. And, in the meantime, learn more about the state of Fedora.

Another great keynote was given by Red Hat VP of Platform Engineering Denise Dumas. In her keynote, Dumas sought to answer the ageold question, “what does Red Hat want from Fedora?”. Dumas explained that Red Hat wants Fedora to continue to thrive as a community and continue to be a place where innovation flourishes.

Flock also had many opportunities for networking and fun. Outings included the Strong Museum of Play and the George Eastman House. The conference also hosted a fun game night for attendees. There was no shortage of Exploding Kittens, great conversations, and libations.

What Does the Future Hold for Fedora and Flock 2016?

The next Fedora release is scheduled to come out around the end of October so #GetExcited now.

Eager for next year? Locations and dates are to be determined, but you can expect next year's Flock to take place in Europe around the first week of August. If you would like to help plan next year's Flock, volunteers are always welcomed and appreciated.

That's a wrap! See you next year in Europe!

P.S. Want the world to know about Fedora? Watch Joe Brockmeier's presentation and learn how you can contribute to Fedora's growth.

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