피드 구독

OpenLMI will be represented at the upcoming Red Hat Summit, which is being held in San Francisco from April 14-17.

Stephen Gallagher and I will be giving a talk on OpenLMI, the new Linux Management Infrastructure, on Tuesday, April 15, at 10:40am. This talk will provide an overview of OpenLMI, cover its functional capabilities, and demonstrate using the LMIShell CLI and Scripts to accomplish common management tasks.

OpenLMI integrates management of Linux systems by providing a standardized remote API to configure, manage and monitor Linux systems. It allows you to do things like configure storage and networks without having to login to the remote system and manually run various tools and utilities.

There will also be an OpenLMI demo in the Red Hat Pavilion on Wednesday, April 16, from 1:00pm-3:00pm. Drop by to see OpenLMI in action and to ask questions.

Finally, we would love to have the opportunity to discuss OpenLMI with you. Contact me (rdoty at redhat.com) to see about scheduling time for a meeting. This is a great chance to meet with the experts and make sure that your needs and requirements are being addressed.

If you can't wait to learn more about OpenLMI, see the project website at www.openlmi.org.

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