피드 구독

The Red Hat EMEA Training Team hosted the 2016 Training Partner Conference in Rome on September 29th, 2016 through October 1st, 2016. Over the course of the three days, over 115 EMEA training partners, resellers and instructors gathered for keynote and break-out sessions held by global and regional leaders, fellow partners and emerging technology specialists.

Highlights included:

  • Red Hat executive keynotes
  • IT training expert keynotes
  • Curriculum news & updates
  • New modalities and training solutions
  • Sales, social selling & marketing sessions
  • Exams delivery & technical breakouts

On the last evening of the 2016 Red Hat EMEA Training Partner Conference, the following partners, resellers and instructors were honored with awards:

Certified Training Partner of the Year FY16 - Middle East, Turkey & Africa
Torque IT

Certified Training Partner of the Year FY16 - Eastern Europe & Russia
Altkom Akademia

Fastest Growing Certified Training Partner of the Year FY16 - Middle East, Turkey & Africa
Linsoft Morocco

Fastest Growing Certified Training Partner of the Year FY16 - Eastern Europe & Russia

EMEA Training Reseller of the Year FY16
Global Knowledge Netherlands

Fastest Growing Training Reseller of the Year FY16 EMEA

Infrastructure Instructor of the Year
Johannes Freygner

Cloud Instructor of the Year
Hervé Quatremain

Middleware Instructor of the Year
Raphael Paree

Talent of the Year
Gianni Salinetti

Red Hat Academy Partner Pioneer
Kaunas Information Technology School

Training Quality Manager Award
Grega Bremec

Director‘s Award

Director‘s Award

And a very special Award to our VP EMEA Services
Karl-Heinz Wimmer

We would like to thank all partners, resellers and instructors who attended the 2016 Red Hat Training Partner Conference in Rome.

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