피드 구독

We’re excited to announce a new feature in Red Hat Insights Advisor to make life easier for Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) system administrators. It's called pathways, and it's a group of configuration recommendations combined into common remediation actions to simplify getting your systems updated with as few steps as possible. 

What are Insights Advisor pathways?

In short, an Insights Advisor pathway is an aggregation of multiple Advisor recommendations into an individual set of guidance, centered around a common theme and remediation steps. What you are able to see is a straightforward call to action (e.g. update kernel boot options), known to all systems administrators. Additional information includes whether a reboot is required, how many systems will benefit from this action and the individual recommendations it will address. 

Pathways help you:

  • Quickly identify multiple problems with your systems

  • Take action on those issues all at once

  • Get real-time visibility into the impact of applying a fix

Pathways use the same technology as Insights Advisor to find operational issues and weaknesses on a system, so you know that you're getting the most accurate results possible. And because they're organized into common remediation actions, you can see all of the steps at once instead of having to click through several pages in order to fix these related problems.

Red Hat Insights Advisor recommended pathways

How can pathways help?

Pathways are a great aid during patching windows, when you try to focus on the most impactful action(s). Provided Ansible playbooks will then help address these issues at scale. 

Instead of just fixing one issue at a time, with pathways you can fix multiple issues at once. This helps you save time and effort because you won't have to inspect multiple recommendations for every issue individually.

Here's an example: If a system has a problem with kernel boot options, Insights Advisor will recommend setting up the parameters for the particular problem. If there's another problem with kernel boot—and it tends to happen often—Insights Advisor will recommend that you set up the parameters again. Both recommendations are perfectly valid, but each is specific to the respective problem. Pathways, on the other hand, combines these into a single guidance. This means you can remediate one pathway instead of two separate recommendations!

Red Hat Insights Advisor pathways update kernel boot options screenshot

We believe pathways will make a big difference in helping you focus on your core responsibilities: managing systems effectively and efficiently at scale.

Pathways naturally support the common remediation process within Insights as other services, so you’re always just a click away from a healthier data center.

Get started with Red Hat Insights Advisor pathways

Pathways are already available in the Insights Advisor application for you to try.

We are constantly looking for feedback to improve our products—if you have suggestions or questions about Insights Advisor pathways, feel free to reach out to us using the Red Hat Customer Portal feedback form.

Learn more

저자 소개

With more than 10 years of experience in the software industry, Stefan Bunciak is currently the Product Manager for Red Hat Insights. He completed his master's degree in Informatics at Masaryk University in Brno and is skilled in project and people management, quality engineering, and software development. In his spare time, he plays violin in a folklore band.

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