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As this Fall's OpenStack Summit in Paris approaches, the Foundation has posted the session agenda, outlining the schedule of events. With an astonishing 1,100+ sessions submitted for review, I was happy to see that Red Hat and eNovance have a combined 22 sessions that are included in the weeks agenda, with two more as alternates.

As I've mentioned in the past, I really respect the way the Foundation goes about setting the agenda – essentially deferring to the attendees and participants themselves, via a vote. Through this voting process, the subjects that are “top-of-mind” and of most interest in learning more about are brought to the surface, resulting in a very current and cutting edge set of discussions. And with so many accepted sessions, it again confirms that Red Hat, and now eNovance, are involved in some of the most current projects and technologies that the community is most interested in.

As one of the four headline sponsors this year, Red Hat will be participating in the keynote, as well as independent sessions. To learn more about Red Hat's accepted sessions, have a look at the details below. We look forward to seeing you in Paris!

Red Hat and eNovance OpenStack Summit sessions:

Ask the Experts: Challenges for OpenStack Storage
Here's your chance! This all-star panel discussion will focus on the challenges for OpenStack storage while responding directly to feedback from users and developers in the audience of their challenges with OpenStack storage...

Monday 3rd 11:40-12:20pm

Neil Levine, Director of Product Management, Red Hat

EMC, NetApp, Hitachi, and SolidFire panelist

Extending Barbican - Managing Secrets and Events Your Way
Barbican provides a simple OpenStack-friendly REST service for secrets management. But what goes on behind the scenes when you make that service call? Barbican can work with many existing technologies and systems to securely store and generate secrets via a plugin approach...

Monday 3rd 11:40-12:20pm

Ade Lee, Principal Software Engineer, Red Hat

Nathan Reller, Chief Engineer, John Hopkins University

John Wood, Software Developer, Rackspace

The Open NFV Organization, Neutron, and OpenDaylight
A new organization has been formed called Open Network Function Virtualization (OP-NFV) under the Linux Foundation. This new organization seeks to create integration projects that combine upstream code from projects such as OpenStack, OpenDaylight and the Linux Kernel, and combine them with extensive testing, custom configuration and possibly upstream code patches...

Monday 3rd 12:30-1:10pm

Chris Wright, Technical Director of SDN, Red Hat

Thomas Nadeau, Engineer, Brocade

Heat Beyond the Basics

In this talk, two of the core developers of Heat will describe the powerful modeling capabilities of the HOT DSL and show you how combine them to deploy and maintain complex applications...

Monday 3rd 12:30-1:10pm

Steven Hardy, Sr Software Engineer, Red Hat

Zane Bitter

Evaluating Vendors and Drivers in OpenStack Deployments with Rally OSProfiler
Everyone is excited about OpenStack these days, and while there's plenty of flavors of OpenStack for your datacenter, there is limited data for making decisions on the technology stack that runs OpenStack...

Monday 3rd 2:30-3:10pm

Rohan Kanade, Sr Software Engineer, Red Hat

Boris Pavlovic, Technical Lead, Mirantis

When Disaster Strikes the Cloud: The Who, What, When, Where, and How of OpenStack Disaster Recovery
Enterprise applications need to be able to survive large scale disasters. While some born-on-the-cloud applications have built-in disaster recovery functionality, non-born-on-the-cloud enterprise applications typically expect the infrastructure to provide disaster recovery support. OpenStack provides various building blocks that enable an OpenStack application to survive a disaster; these building blocks are being improved in Juno and Kilo...

Monday 3rd 3:20-4pm

Sean Cohen, Principal Product Manager, Red Hat

Michael Factor, Distinguished Engineer, IBM

Ronen Kat, Manager Cloud Storage, IBM Research

OpenStack on a Silver Platter
Over the last months, we could see more and more OpenStack deployments running in production. Installing an OpenStack cloud that can scale does not only mean setting up packages and run your favorite automation tool to configure all the projects together...

Monday 3rd 3:20-4pm

Frederic Lepied, VP Software Engineering, eNovance

Emilien Macchi, Software Engineer, eNovance

Open Source OpenStack Provisioning Tools: What, Why, and How (Panel)

Setting up an OpenStack cloud in the production environment is not an easy task, but there are a number of open source projects to solve the OpenStack deployment problem, including Open Crowbar, Fuel, Compass, Forman, TripleO, etc. Why not just one project? Come listen to the developers who started these projects explain why they chose to build their tools, why they chose to make them open source, what their experience has been with production deployments, what the feedback has been from their users, and what lessons they have learned....

Monday 3rd 4:20-5pm

Keith Basil, Principal Product Manager, Red Hat

and other panelists

Ask the Experts: OpenStack-as-a-Service or as a Distribution (Panel)
This all-star panel discussion will focus on the merits and challenges of deploying OpenStack as either a distribution or as a service.

Monday 3rd 5:10-5:50pm

Jan Mark Holzer, CTO Office, Red Hat

and other panelists

Developing OpenStack as a Framework for NFV
Communication service providers embracing Network Function Virtualization (NFV) are endorsing OpenStack as providing the common API Service Framework required to deliver their applications and services with a lower time to market. This desire for agility is in turn driving increasing pressure for OpenStack to meet the performance, reliability, and determinism requirements of this sector...

Monday 3rd 5:10-5:50pm

Steve Gordon, Sr. Technical Product Manager, Red Hat

Adrian Hoban, Software Architect, Intel

Alan Kavanagh, Expert Cloud Systems Architect, Ericsson

Using OpenStack Swift for Extreme Data Durability
OpenStack Swift is a very powerful object storage that is used in several of the largest object storage deployments around the globe. During this talk we want to give you an overview about the mechanism that are used within Swift to ensure data durability and availability...

Monday 3rd 5:10-5:50pm

Christian Schwede, eNovance

Florent Flament, CloudWatt

Deploying and Auto Scaling Applications on OpenShift with Heat
This session's goal is to illustrate how DevOps can use Heat to orchestrate the deployment and scaling of complex applications on top of OpenStack. In this example, we'll use the example of deploying OpenShift Origin (a PaaS) with multiple Brokers & Nodes, MongoDB, DNS requirements - all of which can easily be deployed and managed using Heat....

Tuesday 4th 11:15-11:55am

Diane Mueller, OpenShift Origin Community Mgr, Red Hat

Daneyon Hansen, Software Engineer, Cisco

Authors of the OpenStack Design Guide (Panel)
In July, 2014 The OpenStack Foundation brought twelve members of the OpenStack community together at VMware HQ in Palo Alto, California to produce the OpenStack Design Guide in just 5 days. This panel brings many of these authors together for an open discussion about how to architecture an OpenStack cloud...

Tuesday 4th 2-2:40pm

Steve Gordon, Sr. Technical Product Manager, Red Hat

Vinny Valdez, Principal OpenStack Enterprise Architect, Red Hat

and other panelists from Verizon, Comcast, EMC, Rackspace, VMware, Cisco, and CloudScaling

Neutron Network Node High Availability

Today, you can configure multiple network nodes to host DHCP and L3 agents. In the Icehouse release, load sharing is accomplished by scheduling virtual routers on L3 agents. However, if a network node or L3 agent goes down, all routers scheduled on that node will go down and connectivity will be lost. The Juno release will introduce L3 high availability as well as distributed routing...

Tuesday 4th 2:50-3:10pm

Assaf Muller, Software Engineer, Red Hat

Sylvain, Afchain, Software Engineer, eNovance

Transforming to OpenStack? A Roadmap to Work as a Service

Last summit I had the pleasure to present a talk which encountered some success. Are enterprises ready for the OpenStack transformation? This talk is a follow up on what are the best practices that are successful in operating the transformation...

Tuesday 4th 3:40-4:20pm

Nick Barcet, VP Products, eNovance

Leveraging Existing Identity Sources for OpenStack Clouds
Keystone is the reference implementation of the Identity API in OpenStack. It needs to deal with traditional identity concepts such as users and groups as well as centrally managing authorization. This session will cover how Keystone can leverage existing identity sources for authentication and identity information...

Wednesday 5th 9-9:40am

Nathan Kinder, Software Engineering Manager, Red Hat

Neutron Roundtable: Overlay or Full SDN?

Neutron offers multiple ways to implement networking. It's not only a matter of vendor choice, but also a choice of networking models. Should the tenants of your cloud be allowed to place requests that would directly modify the configuration of your hardware, or would you like them confined in virtual land? What are the limits of each models and can they be combined? Why would you need access to BGP/OSPF layers from Neutron...

Wednesday 5th 9:50-10:30am

Nick Barcet, VP Products, eNovance

Docker: All the OpenStack Services
Managing the lifecycle of OpenStack's services is no easy task. In this session users will learn about the lifecycle management challenges faced by enterprises deploying OpenStack including upgrading OpenStack's services, rolling back services, maintaining service isolation, maximizing use of resources by consolidating services...

Wednesday 5th 9:50-10:30am

James Labocki, Product Manager, Red Hat

Todd Sanders, Director Software Engineering, Red Hat

Rethinking Ceilometer Metric Storage with Gnocchi Time-Series as a Service

When we started Ceilometer, we designed our metrics storage in a way that looked more like audit system that traditional metering tool. Recent evolution in OpenStack and Ceilometer pushed us to rethink how we should treat and store metrics...

Wednesday 5th 11-11:40am

Eoghan Glynn, Principal Engineer, Red Hat

Julien Danjou, Sr Software Engineer, eNovance

Dina Belova, Software Engineer, Mirantis

OpenDaylight and OpenStack Developers (Panel)
OpenStack and OpenDaylight are two open source projects with a lot in common, including the same developers who work on both simultaneously. What makes these projects work so well together and how can you get involved? Ask the developers themselves in this panel discussing policy and control -- the point of intersection for the two projects -- and the pros and cons of uniting OpenStack's cloud with OpenDaylight's controller...

Wednesday 5th 11:50-12:30pm

Chris Wright, CTO Office, Red Hat

and other panelists

Not Invented Here is not an Option”: The Importance of Cross-Community Collaboration
No open source project is built without incorporating the work of others. Even the smallest seemly insignificant python library can play a crucial role in the success or failure your project, even the choice of languages you use to implement your project can have a huge impact. No one can afford to build in isolation...

Wednesday 5th 1:50-2:30pm

Diane Meuller, OpenShift Origin Community Mgr, Red Hat

Taking the Long View: How the Oslo Program Reduces Technical Debt
In the fast-paced world of OpenStack development, we often focus on short-term needs like bug fixes and new features. The Oslo Program takes a longer view of the health and sustainability of the project. Our mission is to make OpenStack more maintainable by addressing cross-project code reuse and architectural issues. In this presentation we will cover the origins of Oslo and the processes and tools the team uses to improve OpenStack from the bottom up...

Wednesday 5th 5:20-6pm

Mark McLoughlin, Consulting Engineering Mgr, Red Hat

Doug Hellmann, Oslo PTL, HP

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