Get basic instructions for deploying KubeVirt on top of a running OpenShift instance. I'm assuming you have already deployed your OpenShift cluster, for instance using oc cluster up
What is KubeVirt?
The high-level goal of the project is to build a Kubernetes add-on to enable management of (libvirt) virtual machines. With KubeVirt, you will basically declare your virtual machines (called VMs from now on) like you declare pods.
Installation Instructions
The following commands are used to:
- Disable SELinux (I know, I know).
- Install dependencies for spice consoles.
- Add the service account kubevirt-infra to the relevant scc (privileged and hostmount-anyuid).
- Download and instantiate the KubeVirtand spice-proxy templates.
- Download and instantiate an additional iscsi helper template designed to provide virtual disks to the VMs, by using paths of the local node (you wouldn't do that in production).
- Expose the deployment and service haproxy (used to access consoles of the VMs) (on port 8184).
- Install the auxiliary tool virtctl, used to access the console of the VMs.
Also note that we are logged as an admin user, so you will need to have this kind of privileges in your setup.
yum -y install xorg-x11-xauth remote-viewer
sed -i "s/SELINUX=enforcing/SELINUX=permissive/" /etc/selinux/config
setenforce 0
oc project kube-system
oc adm policy add-scc-to-user privileged -z kubevirt-infra
oc adm policy add-scc-to-user hostmount-anyuid -z kubevirt-infra
oc create -f kubevirt.yaml
oc create -f spice-proxy.yaml
oc expose deploy haproxy --port=8184
oc expose svc haproxy
mv virtctl-$VERSION-linux-amd64 /usr/bin/virtctl
chmod u+x /usr/bin/virtctl
oc create -f /root/iscsi-demo-target.yaml
Check that KubeVirt is Up
You can use the following to see pods are properly running:
oc get pod
haproxy-474153518-lb6cz 1/1 Running 0 38m
iscsi-demo-target-tgtd-679296829-qksvm 1/1 Running 0 38m
libvirt-t82wm 2/2 Running 0 38m
spice-proxy-3374246092-ttktm 1/1 Running 0 38m
virt-api-903161196-zg89r 1/1 Running 0 38m
virt-controller-1724409353-ptnmz 0/1 Running 0 38m
virt-controller-1724409353-sbf7r 1/1 Running 0 38m
virt-handler-9jzzt 1/1 Running 3 38m
Quick Review of the Components
You can see there are different pods (coming from several deployments ) with different functions:
is the aPI other components communicate with. The end user doesn't really need to access this API, as the declarative syntax of Kubernetes will instead be used (under the hood, custom resource definitions for VMs and migrations are used).virt-controller
monitors the custom resource definitions representing the VMs, and manages the pods associated to them.virt-handler
runs on each of the node, typically deployed as a daemon set. Think of it as the kubelet within KubeVirt. Communicates with libvirtd instance to define VMs.libvirt
encapsulates our beloved libvirt functionality into a single pod. Note that you can oc rsh into the corresponding one and run virsh commands.haproxy
proxies connections to the consoles of the VMs.spice-proxy
acts as a proxy for spice connections.
Additionally, when you create a VM, you should see an additional pod launched, called virt-launcher-$YOUR_VM which continuously remediates the real state of the machine versus the one declared as a Kubernetes object.
Use KubeVirt
Create a VM
To create a VM, we simply use a yaml file with its definition. For instance, to do it in the default project:
oc project default
oc create -f vm.yaml
Using the following definition (we are using our iscsi deployment to provide disks):
kind: VirtualMachine
name: testvm
terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 0
- type: spice
- type: network
network: default
- type: qxl
- type: network
snapshot: external
device: disk
name: qemu
type: raw
cache: none
name: iscsi-demo-target.kube-system
port: "3260"
protocol: iscsi
dev: vda
- type: pty
unit: MB
value: 64
os: hvm
type: qemu
Very shortly, you should see the virt-launcher pod there but also a qemu process representing your VM! You can also check your VM definition with oc get vm testvm -o yaml
and have a look at some relevant fields under status:
- nodeName indicating on which host this VM is currently running. It also appears under the label
- phase which should show "Running"
Accessing the VM
The VM serial console can be accessed in different ways (adjust the namespace to the one where your vm was created)
Using virtctl Utility
HAPROXY_URL=`oc get route haproxy -n kube-system -o jsonpath={}`
virtctl console -s http://$HAPROXY_URL testvm -n default
Using the libvirt Pod
oc exec -it `oc get pod -l -o jsonpath='{range .items[*].metadata}{.name}'` virsh console default_testvm
Delete a VM
oc delete vm testvm
To migrate a VM, and provided you deployed KubeVirt with several nodes, you create a yaml file with a Migration object as the one that follows and launch it with oc create -f
kind: Migration
name: testvm
name: testvm
If you need VMs, KubeVirt provides a nice way to make use of your k8s/OpenShift cluster to host them. This project is still young, and things like storage and networking need working, but development is going fast and the community is growing!
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