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Today, Red Hat is pleased to announce that Alessandro Perilli has joined Red Hat as General Manager of our newly formed Open Hybrid Cloud Program Office. Alessandro was most recently Research Director at Gartner, leading the private cloud research program in Gartner’s Technical Professionals division.

Alessandro is a well-respected, highly sought-after expert in cloud, cloud management and virtualization. Over the course of his career, he has consulted with countless large end-user organizations and cloud technology providers about their cloud implementation and cloud product strategies, respectively. He is a frequent speaker at major industry events, and is both deeply technical and compellingly articulate in individual customer and large conference settings. Among his many cloud-related publications, his most noted include “Evaluation Criteria for Cloud Management Platforms,” “Market Profile: Cloud Management Platforms,” and the most recent “Climbing the Cloud Orchestration Curve.”

It is an exciting time for Alessandro to join Red Hat with our vision for the open hybrid cloud moving forward. The new Open Hybrid Cloud Program Office, which Alessandro will lead, will be responsible for driving Red Hat’s cross-company vision; product integration and strategy; cloud ecosystem strategy and engagement; and global awareness of Red Hat’s open hybrid cloud vision.

Read a blog post from Alessandro sharing why he decided to join Red Hat here.

À propos de l'auteur

Red Hat is the world’s leading provider of enterprise open source solutions, using a community-powered approach to deliver high-performing Linux, cloud, container, and Kubernetes technologies.

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