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Today we are pleased to announce availability of the Beta release of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.10. This release provides system administrators with a secure, stable and reliable platform for their organization's enterprise applications.

Key enhancements in this release include:

Better Troubleshooting Capabilities Through New Red Hat Access Service

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.10 features a new Red Hat Support Services offering called Red Hat Access, making it easier for customers to manage, diagnose and engage with Red Hat directly through Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5. Red Hat Access includes the Red Hat Support Tool, which offers all subscribers instant access and insight into Red Hat exclusive knowledge, resources, and diagnostic information, while giving Premium subscribers the ability to directly and immediately log and submit cases.

Enhanced Security

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.10 includes an updated version of the Security Content Automation Protocol (SCAP) configuration scanner, OpenSCAP. The new version provides an authentication scanner that meets the National Institute of Standards and Technology's (NIST) SCAP 1.2 standard, which United States government agencies must follow.

Access to MySQL 5.5

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.10 provides access to MySQL 5.5, the most recent, stable version of that open source database. MySQL 5.5 includes a number of improvements in terms of speed, scalability, and user friendliness. For customers' convenience, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.10 also includes MySQL 5.1, which is required for upgrading to MySQL 5.5.

Enhanced Subscription Management Tools

  • Subscription Asset Manager now provides more insight into how customers can optimize and benefit from their Red Hat subscriptions. With Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.10, customers are now able to better match subscriptions to their unique system needs, better report on and manage a large inventory of systems, and add custom, searchable key value pairs to systems. Subscription Asset Manager also now allows customers to update their manifests without having to go through their Customer Portal.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 continues to be supported through security updates and important bug fixes, carrying through on Red Hat's commitment to a 10-year product lifecycle for Red Hat Enterprise Linux releases.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.10 Beta is available now on Red Hat Network to all customers with an active Red Hat Enterprise Linux subscription. To access and download the Beta, please visit https://rhn.redhat.com/rhn/software/channels/Beta.do. For more information about Red Hat Enterprise Linux, please visit http://www.redhat.com/products/enterprise-linux.

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