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Welcome to the Red Hat Enterprise Linux blog. What is the purpose of this blog? It's the newest blog from Red Hat, and – perhaps obviously – is dedicated to Red Hat Enterprise Linux. However, as you will shortly see, this will not be your average blog.

What sets rhelblog.redhat.com apart from other Web sites or blogs focused on Red Hat Enterprise Linux is that this blog is produced by Red Hat. As we at Red Hat have access to material that no others do, we will be bringing you exclusive and unique content, straight from the source.

While we will, of course, bring you up-to-date information on the latest release(s) of Red Hat Enterprise Linux, this blog will also aim to provide you with a proverbial "peek behind the curtain" and a look down the road.

A talented pool of Red Hat associates will deliver the inside scoop on a variety of topics; everything from how Red Hat Enterprise Linux is "created" to what's new and important. And to keep you on your toes... we will undoubtedly throw a few surprises into the mix.

This blog will also provide you with a place to be heard. Thoughts on a new feature? Ideas for future blog topics? Comments on Red Hat Enterprise Linux? Perhaps you'd simply like to pass along a few kind words? This blog enables you to send your thoughts and opinions directly to the people who are working everyday to improve Red Hat Enterprise Linux.

We sincerely look forward to providing you with fresh insight into Red Hat Enterprise Linux and are equally excited to listen and learn from the community's response. We encourage you to visit often and to be vocal in your comments!

À propos de l'auteur


Parcourir par canal

automation icon


Les dernières nouveautés en matière d'automatisation informatique pour les technologies, les équipes et les environnements

AI icon

Intelligence artificielle

Actualité sur les plateformes qui permettent aux clients d'exécuter des charges de travail d'IA sur tout type d'environnement

open hybrid cloud icon

Cloud hybride ouvert

Découvrez comment créer un avenir flexible grâce au cloud hybride

security icon


Les dernières actualités sur la façon dont nous réduisons les risques dans tous les environnements et technologies

edge icon

Edge computing

Actualité sur les plateformes qui simplifient les opérations en périphérie

Infrastructure icon


Les dernières nouveautés sur la plateforme Linux d'entreprise leader au monde

application development icon


À l’intérieur de nos solutions aux défis d’application les plus difficiles

Original series icon

Programmes originaux

Histoires passionnantes de créateurs et de leaders de technologies d'entreprise