
Exploring best practices and customer successes in the industrial Internet of Things

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The Internet of Things (IoT) is starting to be broadly adopted across industries, fueled by decreasing costs in computing, ubiquitous connectivity, and the rise of cloud computing. Organizations considering IoT initiatives face a number of fundamental questions including how to identify and validate opportunities; how to acquire, build or strengthen the capabilities needed to realize these opportunities; how and when to go to market, and which parties to partner with in a complex IoT ecosystem.

In this session, we will discuss the role of platforms in IoT, Accenture’s approach to IoT and the ecosystem, and our enabling platform architecture, Accenture Connected Platforms as a Service (CPaaS) which combines our technologies with IoT solutions from other vendors, including Red Hat, to provide device connectivity, data transport and analytics. We will also review several real-life IoT use cases and client examples.

Learn more: https://www.redhat.com/en/insights/internet-of-things

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