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We’re pleased to announce that, starting with JBoss World and JUDCon, we will be hosting multiple Drools events around the East Coast in the coming months. Not only will these events be chock full of useful information, training and tricks to get the most out of Drools, each will be hosted by a JBoss Community rockstar – if you have ever wanted to meet one of the brains behind your favorite Community Project, now is your chance!

During JBoss World and JUDCon, we held many, many events focusing on Drools and jBPM, with seven alone during JBoss World. But that’s not all.

On May 10, we will be holding our Drools Workshop for Wall Street in New York City, which will look at how financial institutions and related organizations can get the most out of Drools and jBPM for their operations. You can find out more information at http://www.jboss.org/events/workshops/drools.html.

If you’re in government, be sure to check out the Drools Workshop for Government on May 12 in Washington, DC. Held in conjunction with Red Hat Partner Carahsoft, this workshop will show government IT professionals how to leverage Complex Event Processing, where a rules engine fits into system architecture and much more.

If you aren’t with a financial institution or government agency/contractor, you’re still welcome to attend these events to learn more about Drools and jBPM. And keep an eye out for more workshops down the line at our Community Workshops page.

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