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Welcome to the OpenShift Developer Spotlight where we get to know the members of the OpenShift community a little better and show off their skills as developers. Also check out their applications developed on OpenShift in our App Gallery. Interested in being featured? Apply here or view past entries.

Steve Ludwig

  • Name: Steve Ludwig

Learn more about Cuerna Tools in our App Gallery

What inspired you to be a developer?

The opportunity to help people with their business, mainly startups, by creating webapps or apps using technologies like Python, PHP or Java to improve their competitiveness.

Why did you choose OpenShift as your hosting platform?

The freedom of cartridge creation and available selection allows developers to easily try new technologies they are interested in. Starting out on OpenShift is free, which makes it ideal for this.

What advantages does OpenShift give you that other platforms don't?

On OpenShift, it is easy to create a production environment due to dynamic scaling features and helper cartridges. When compared to other PaaS providers, which tend to focus on only a few technology stacks, OpenShift provides more freedom to choose and create.

Tell us more about your application currently hosted on OpenShift:
  • Name: Cuerna Tools
  • What does it do? Cuerna Tools is a new webapp and website for the startup, Cuernatools, which provides manuals and repair tips as well as new ideas for using power tools.
  • What technologies were used to create your app? PostgreSQL, PHP5, JavaScript, CSS, JQuery, Ajax, Bootstrap.
  • What motivated you to create this application and what problems does it solve? There are many people who are dedicated to the repair of power tools and need advice to achieve their repairs more easily. The main idea is to build a site where you can find tools to perform certain tasks and also to offer products for sale.

À propos de l'auteur


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