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RDO logo Time does get away from me! It's been three weeks now since I was in Brussels for FOSDEM. On the day before FOSDEM started, we held the first RDO Community Day as part of the CentOS Dojo. (Mark your calendars, we're definitely doing this again next year!)

Rewinding a little... last year at FOSDEM, we had a few RDO presentations as part of the CentOS Dojo. This was very well received, and at the RDO meetup at the OpenStack Summit in Vancouver, we decided to make it into a whole day.

We once again co-located with the CentOS Dojo, because it just makes sense. CentOS has been a very important partner to the RDO project in the last year.

We had about 45 people in attendance at the RDO side of the event, attending 7 presentations on various aspects of the RDO project, from packaging to deployment to configuration and debugging.

The day started with Thomas Oulevey talking about CERN's use of RDO in their 100,000+ node OpenStack deployment.

There then followed an awesome lineup of presentations:

Unfortunately, the camera batteries died before the last session, and so we don't have video for it.

A huge thank you to everyone that attended and spoke, and also to IBM for supporting us by providing the excellent facility.

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