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The Friday Five is a weekly Red Hat® blog post with 5 of the week's top news items and ideas from or about Red Hat and the technology industry. Consider it your weekly digest of things that caught our eye.


Rethinking how we work in an era of disruption

As the waves of disruption continue to shake every industry, we’ve hit a new tipping point. Based on conversations I’ve had with executives all over the world, all of whom face these similar challenges, I’ve come to realize that merely tweaking how we work is no longer good enough.


Red Hat Unveils Roadmap for CoreOS Integration with Red Hat OpenShift

CoreOS’ technologies advance the comprehensive nature of Red Hat’s container infrastructure offerings, providing a clear roadmap for the digital enterprise while simultaneously making hybrid cloud environments an excellent choice for deploying both modern and traditional applications.


Red Hat and Microsoft Co-Develop the First Red Hat OpenShift Jointly Managed Service on a Public Cloud

Microsoft and Red Hat expand their alliance to empower enterprise developers to run container-based applications across Microsoft Azure and on-premises. With this collaboration, the companies will introduce the first jointly managed OpenShift offering in the public cloud, combining the power of Red Hat OpenShift, the industry’s most comprehensive enterprise Kubernetes platform, and Azure, Microsoft’s public cloud.


Red Hat Brings Cloud-Native Capabilities to Software Partner Ecosystem with Kubernetes Operators

More than 60 software partners have committed support for the Kubernetes Operator Framework initiative introduced by Red Hat. Developed with the Operator Framework open source toolkit, an Operator helps to remove the barriers to building complex, stateful applications for Kubernetes, resulting in services designed to “just work” across any cloud where Kubernetes runs.


IBM and Red Hat Join Forces to Accelerate Hybrid Cloud Adoption

IBM will extend its private cloud platforms (IBM Cloud Private and IBM Cloud Private for Data) and its middleware offerings to Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform as Red Hat Certified Containers. Customers can benefit from the speed and simplicity of the IBM Cloud Private self-service catalogue, deployment engine and operational management on Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform across all footprints of the hybrid cloud including the IBM public cloud.

À propos de l'auteur

Red Hat is the world’s leading provider of enterprise open source solutions, using a community-powered approach to deliver high-performing Linux, cloud, container, and Kubernetes technologies.

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Les dernières actualités en matière de plateforme d'automatisation qui couvre la technologie, les équipes et les environnements

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Intelligence artificielle

Actualité sur les plateformes qui permettent aux clients d'exécuter des charges de travail d'IA sur tout type d'environnement

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Les dernières actualités sur la façon dont nous réduisons les risques dans tous les environnements et technologies

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Edge computing

Actualité sur les plateformes qui simplifient les opérations en périphérie

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Les dernières nouveautés sur la plateforme Linux d'entreprise leader au monde

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À l’intérieur de nos solutions aux défis d’application les plus difficiles

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