2023 Global Tech Outlook: A Red Hat report

For the ninth year, Red Hat has surveyed respondents from various industries to better understand changing trends surrounding digital transformation. We asked IT leaders and decision makers about their IT and non-IT funding priorities, the types of infrastructure on which they are running their applications, and more.  

Questions we answer inside the report:

  • Who’s transforming? And how? 
  • Why is security at the top of 44% of IT leaders' budgets?
  • How is the talent and skills gap becoming the top barrier (at 27%) to transformation?
  • Is innovation becoming less of a priority given an unpredictable global environment?
  • Where do people fall on IT leaders' budget trends?
  • Are developers making the important IT decisions?

Read the 2023 Global Tech Outlook to see how organizations have progressed and invested in their digital transformation initiatives in the last year. 

2023 Global Tech Outlook: A Red Hat report