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by Holly Neal

Thank you to all Red Hat Certified Professionals (RHCPs) worldwide who submitted their story to become the Red Hat Certified Professional of the Year for 2014. We received many outstanding stories. Congratulations to all RHCPs who use their Red Hat certified skills to enhance their IT environments.

The Red Hat® Training and Certification team congratulates Jorge Juarez Acevedo of Mexico for being selected as the 2014 Red Hat Certified Professional of the Year.

Mr. Acevedo conducted several key projects as the IT Manager at Banco Azteca in Mexico. Banco Azteca operates in Mexico, Panama, Guatemala, Honduras, Peru, El Salvador and Brazil and it is one of the largest banks in Mexico in terms of coverage. With more than 6.8 million savings accounts. In addition to consumer credit for goods. Banco Azteca offers personal loans, credit cards, as well as car loans, among other types of credit. Banco Azteca also offers payroll systems. Acevedo leveraged his RHCSA, RHCE, RHCVA, and RHCDS certification skills to make better use of Red Hat solutions and add more value to Banco Azteca Business.

Mr. Acevedo was first introduced to RHEL four years ago when he was looking for platform standardization for multiple existing platforms. The main challenge was to migrate from different UNIX operating systems like Sun Solaris, HP UX and AIX to Red Hat Enterprise Linux, bringing tangible benefits to the day to day operation. Additionally, he migrated the Application Server Technologies in order to standardize from Websphere, Sun One, Oracle Application Server (OAS), and TomCat to JBoss Enterprise Application Platform. Another successful project was the migration of their authentication platform to Red Hat Directory Server. Currently he is testing products like Satellite, RHEV and Cloud.

About the Red Hat Certified Professional of the Year Award

The annual award recognizes a current Red Hat Certified Professional who demonstrates ingenuity, hard work, and expertise. The winner will be recognized at the 2014 Red Hat Summit conference in April.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

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