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Red Hat Enterprise MRG was first released in June 2008, debuting Red Hat’s Messaging, Realtime and Grid technology offerings. In February 2009, Enterprise MRG 1.1 offered enhanced performance, clustering, security and tooling improvements, along with full support for the product’s Grid functionality. Today, Red Hat releases Red Hat Enterprise MRG 1.2, which includes key performance improvements and support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.4.

With its newest release, Enterprise MRG offers customers the expanded ability to combine Messaging, Realtime and Grid technologies with the recently released Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization product portfolio and with Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.4 to aggregate and build internal clouds. Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.4 and Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization, delivered to customers in September and November respectively, are Red Hat’s first products to incorporate Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM) virtualization technology.

Red Hat Enterprise MRG 1.2 features the following enhancements to its three major technology pieces:

  1. Messaging
    In the 1.2 release, Red Hat Enterprise MRG Messaging includes improvements to core messaging infrastructure and performance enhancements that meet highly demanding customer requirements. With these enhancements, Enterprise MRG Messaging has achieved a number of impressive industry benchmark results, including:


    • Infiniband throughput of greater than 1.5 million reliable messages per second, per system


      MRG Messaging Infiniband Throughput. Click to enlarge.
    • Infiniband RDMA latency of under 40 microseconds, reliably acknowledged


      MRG Messaging Infiniband RDMA Latency. Click to enlarge.
    • Messaging on KVM virtualized performance of over one million messages per second throughput
    • Messaging on KVM virtualized performance of less than 200 microsecond latency, reliably acknowledged
  2. Realtime
    Red Hat Enterprise MRG 1.2 Realtime performance enhancements improve the deterministic low latency of performance-intensive and time-critical workloads. Additionally, MRG Realtime includes a new tool, rteval, to help customers detect hardware latencies in their systems. Together with Red Hat’s intensive hardware certification program for Enterprise MRG Realtime, rteval provides customers with the tools and assurance that the entire infrastructure, from hardware to the operating system, provides optimal performance for realtime workloads.
  3. Grid
    With Enterprise MRG’s Grid functionality, customers can schedule their Web server and other applications to run in distributed and cloud computing environments, and can acquire the appropriate resources to accomplish these jobs. With the 1.2 update, Enterprise MRG Grid can now support the scheduling of KVM-based virtual machines in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.4, and offers even greater scalability for large-scale cloud deployments.


    Enterprise MRG’s Grid technology is based on the open source Condor project, which was developed by the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Condor 7.4, released in early November, is incorporated in Enterprise MRG 1.2, allowing customers to use some of the latest High Throughput Computing technologies available today, in a fully supported product.

    Customers with an Enterprise MRG subscription automatically receive the 1.2 update today via Red Hat Network.

    For more information about Red Hat Enterprise MRG, visit here.

    To learn more about Enterprise MRG, virtualization and cloud computing, join the Red Hat Virtual Experience online event on December 9 and attend our session on Enterprise MRG.

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