Welcome to 2015 and the exciting world of storage and Big Data! Want to know what the new year holds for Big Data?
Check out this storage tutorial with Red Hat’s Brian Chang chatting with Greg Kleiman, (Director, Big Data, Red Hat) and Irshad Raihan (Big Data Product Marketing, also at Red Hat) who give their storage predictions for 2015.
In the video the group discusses the importance of enterprise data scientists and their role in helping enterprises succeed both in their current business model while also opening new business opportunities. They talk about how to capture, cultivate, and manage Big Data, especially the new challenge of doing so in real time. They look at monetizing data not only in data-based businesses but spreading into more traditional industries such as the car industry. And, last but not least, they discuss how to translate Big Data into a viable and easily accessible revenue stream.
For more predictions for 2015 from even more people at Red Hat, check out this great big roundup post from a few weeks back. And to learn more about Big Data at Red Hat, be sure to check out our solutions page.
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