Simplify your journey to the cloud with Red Hat and Google Cloud

Hybrid and multicloud infrastructure is becoming standard practice

Across industries, organizations are using cloud infrastructure and technologies to advance their business and gain competitive advantages. Most organizations have adopted hybrid and multicloud strategies to increase flexibility, efficiency, and innovation while reducing risk. 

Even so, managing hybrid and multicloud environments efficiently can be challenging. Red Hat and Google Cloud simplify your cloud journey with flexible, proven, and innovative hybrid solutions.

Build a trusted hybrid cloud environment with Red Hat and Google Cloud

Since 2013, open source leaders Red Hat and Google Cloud have partnered to deliver exceptional customer experiences across hybrid environments. Red Hat has more than 25 years of experience in bringing open source innovation to the enterprise, while Google Cloud has more than two decades of experience in building and operating global-scale services.

Red Hat


of organizations have a multicloud strategy in place.1


of organizations are taking a hybrid strategy that includes at least one public and at least one private cloud.

Red Hat and Google Cloud give you the tools and technologies you need to build and operate hybrid and multicloud environments effectively and efficiently.

Figure 1. Red Hat and Google Cloud provide a trusted foundation for hybrid and multicloud deployments.

Figure 1. Red Hat and Google Cloud provide a trusted foundation for hybrid and multicloud deployments.

With flexible configuration, an open source, security-focused foundation, global network infrastructure, and advanced data analytics, Red Hat and Google Cloud give you the tools and technologies you need to build and operate hybrid and multicloud environments effectively and efficiently. Each component delivers key functionality and value.

Google Cloud delivers innovative, security-focused cloud infrastructure and services that support digital transformation and operations across your organization. Google Cloud solutions help you build effective data clouds, streamline multicloud environments, and encourage collaboration.

Red Hat® Enterprise Linux® provides a consistent, open source foundation for hybrid cloud deployments and a reliable, security-focused, high-performance operating environment for applications across physical, virtualized, containerized, cloud-based, and edge infrastructure.

Red Hat OpenShift® is an enterprise-ready Kubernetes container platform built for open hybrid cloud strategies. It provides a consistent application platform to manage hybrid cloud, multicloud, and edge deployments. 

Red Hat OpenShift Data Foundation is software-defined storage for containers that offers data portability and dynamic provisioning for applications and Kubernetes constructs. 

Red Hat Ansible® Automation Platform delivers a foundation for building and operating automation across an organization. The platform can help you improve your processes, migrate applications for better optimization, and adopt a single language for DevOps practices across your organization.

Google Cloud Smart Analytics Platform—including BigQuery, Dataflow, Dataprep, and Pub/Sub—is a flexible, open, and security-focused analytics platform that helps you build an effective, scalable, and intelligent data cloud. 

Google Cloud artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) products provide continuously updated technologies that help developers focus exclusively on solving problems that matter. 

Google Cloud security and identity products provide simple, consistent, and transparent protection that helps you meet your policy, regulatory, and business objectives.

Together, Red Hat and Google Cloud help you streamline your cloud environment, accelerate application development, automate your business, and take advantage of advanced analytics.

Build a consistent environment for both enterprise IT and SAP environments 

Many organizations rely on their SAP landscape to support their business applications and data. Your Red Hat and Google Cloud foundation can support both your enterprise IT and SAP environments.

Learn more about our solutions for SAP.

Deploy more easily with a managed cloud service

Red Hat and Google Cloud deliver a fully-managed  container management service to simplify deployment and operations. 

Red Hat OpenShift Dedicatedon Google Cloud provides:

  • A complete environmentwith all necessary services.
  • Self-service use options.
  • Expert 24x7 support viastringent service levelagreements (SLAs).

This cloud service delivers realbusiness benefits, including:

  • Up to 70% shorterdevelopment cycles.2
  • 50% higher operationalefficiency.2
  • Higher developersatisfaction and retention.2

Learn more about Red Hat OpenShift Dedicated.

Streamline your hybrid cloud infrastructure and operations

Operating disparate and disconnected IT infrastructure increases operational complexity, security and compliance risks, and overall costs. A consistent, stable, and security-focused hybrid cloud foundation allows you to deploy and run applications and workloads across datacenter and cloud infrastructure to optimize performance, cost, and compliance. Combining Red Hat platforms with Google Cloud lets you:

  • Deliver a streamlined hybrid cloud experience and easily add new capabilities via integrations between Red Hat and Google Cloud products and services. 
  • Transition to cloud operations, migrate existing workloads and data, and modernize your applications at your own pace—without compromising security, stability, or availability.
  • Deploy and manage traditional and cloud-native applications in a consistent manner across datacenter and cloud environments. 
  • Control costs through efficient cloud pricing, right-sizing tools, optimized virtual machine types, and unified operations and management.
  • Reliably deploy third-party applications and services via a large certified partner ecosystem. 
  • Protect your IT environment and business with modern security approaches, advanced tools, data encryption, experience-based best practices, and certification to stringent security standards.

Key components for streamlining your cloud infrastructure

  • Google Cloud 
  • Google Cloud security and identity products
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 
  • Red Hat OpenShift 

Accelerate application development and delivery

Traditional application development processes are often too slow, dependency-based, and rigid to respond to fast-changing demand for new services and features. Red Hat and Google help you adopt DevOps approaches to speed application development and delivery. With a consistent application platform and integrated development tools and services, you can:

  • Innovate quickly and cost-effectively and explore new concepts using cloud-based services like databases, maps, and voice recognition tools.
  • Develop and run applications where it makes the most sense—in your datacenter or in the cloud. 
  • Speed development cycles and accelerate time to market for new applications via self-service provisioning and automated development pipelines.
  • Give your developers more choice and flexibility with a large selection of built-in languages, tools, services, and workflows.

Key components for modernizing application development 

  • Google Cloud
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux
  • Red Hat OpenShift 

Automate and speed business and IT operations

Operating multiple IT environments—each with different management tools—can be inefficient and introduce inconsistencies between platforms, resulting in reliability, interoperability, and stability issues. A unified IT automation platform lets you connect and streamline management tools and processes across your organization. Combining Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform with Google Cloud technologies can help you:

  • Streamline infrastructure and application provisioning, deployment, and management.
  • Apply and enforce policies automatically to improve security and stability.
  • Automate tasks to speed operations and eliminate manual errors with more than 100 Ansible modules for Google Cloud infrastructure
  • Reduce time spent on tedious tasks and free IT staff to focus on more valuable projects.
  • Scale application and cloud resources on demand to cut costs associated with overprovisioning, while still maintaining performance and reliability. 
  • Migrate applications between your datacenter and cloud environments quickly, easily, and reliably with repeatable automation.

Key components for automating business

  • Google Cloud
  • Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform

Take advantage of artificial intelligence and machine learning

AI and ML technologies employ data to deliver business insight, automate tasks, and advance system capabilities. Red Hat and Google Cloud provide an open foundation and innovative AI and ML services to help you deliver real, data-driven business outcomes. Combining Red Hat OpenShift with Google Cloud analytics, AI, and ML products lets you:

  • Streamline development of intelligent, AI/ML-based applications with built-in DevOps capabilities.
  • Create and share containerized modeling results across teams in a consistent, collaborative manner. 
  • Rapidly build, train, and deploy AI/ML models across datacenter and cloud infrastructure using on-demand compute resources, hardware acceleration, and proven cloud services.
  • Use pre-trained models and unified tools to create advanced models with less code. 
  • Easily manage your data and models with confidence and repeatability at scale using MLOps tools.

Key components for deploying AI and ML

  • Google Cloud
  • Red Hat OpenShift
  • Google Cloud Smart Analytics Platform
  • Google Cloud AI and machine learning products

Learn more

Modern hybrid and multicloud IT infrastructures can help you meet the demands of digital business. Red Hat and Google Cloud deliver flexible, security-focused hybrid cloud solutions to modernize today and adapt to future change. Accelerate operations and development, use your data effectively, and continuously innovate to stay successful.

Learn more about Red Hat and Google Cloud solutions:

  1. Flexera. “Flexera 2022 State of the Cloud Report,” March 2022.

  2. Forrester Consulting study, commissioned by Red Hat. “The Total Economic Impact™ of Red Hat OpenShift Cloud Services,” January 2022.